Forever true!

Whenever you hear someone tell you that the U.S. Supreme Court’s job is to interpret the U.S. Constitution they are telling you a lie (they may believe it; but it is a lie). The Constitution is clear. Its meaning does not change. It does not—and should not—need to be reinterpreted from time to time or day to day. It is the standard; the ruler upon which all other laws and regulations must be measured to determine if they are in concert with, or inconsistent with the law of the land; the Constitution (which includes the Amendments that have been ratified). From Marbury v Madison, 1803, the Supreme Court’s sole legal and true responsibility has been to keep and maintain the scale of the Constitution; not to interpret it, not to change its standards and measures, not to expand its meaning, and never to amend it from the Bench. Anything else is an attack upon our Constitution and it is a violation of our Constitution itself (Justice Kennedy).

P.S. You don’t have to be a lawyer to understand what the Constitution means! Our Founders were smart enough to write the Constitution and Bill of Rights so that all citizens could understand its meaning. If anyone says differently you need to ask yourself what they are trying to put over on you.

The Constitution is our contract with our government. Contracts aren’t “living” documents that change over time. If you don’t believe that, try breaking your mortgage and see how long you keep your house. Contracts have terms you agree with (ratification with your signature). The Constitution is our contract, our standard. The measure of an inch or a foot doesn’t change by judicial fiat! The ruler never gets reinterpreted! If it does you don’t have justice; but rather, tyranny.

CPT (Ret.) Terry Michael Hestilow
U.S. Army, Infantry (Airborne)
June 3, 2019

Let me be crystal clear!

Let me be absolutely clear. Whether you admit it or not, we are in a real war—much like the European Cold War—with the Democrats that are now more Communist than the Communists. Our nation is being destroyed and burned and invaded every day by the allies of the North American Democrats and Establishment who are committed completely to the destruction of our nation.

Listen up! I am a retired American soldier that has fought in two shooting wars (Vietnam and Afghanistan) and the European Cold War). All we did was make the forever war military-industrial complex richer and richer while tens of thousands of people died for nothing at all! We refused to win when victory was in our hands!

Well let me ask you; and think about this very seriously! Do you at least want to save the United States of America? Do you want to stop the chaos and build again a nation where our children and grandchildren can grow up in safe healthy environments? Do you ever again want to enjoy life in our land our ancestors passed to our benefit? If so, listen to this soldier!

Wake up! Some of you don’t like President Trump. Get over it! He is the only man today who can set our nation back on the right course again. So, listen up! We ARE IN A WAR TODAY TO SAVE OUR NATION—while it may be saved and set back on course; where criminal politicians and federal agencies and crooked law enforcement and courts cannot deny you and me equal justice under law and steal our labor to pay their friends and empoverish our people.

So while you grumble that you don’t like President Trump because of his passion and the names he uses to describe other people that are hell-bent on America’s destruction, you are just like the grumbling private on the battlefield trying to stir up discord in the ranks because you don’t like the general in charge of fighting and winning the war! You are aiding the enemy!

Donald J. Trump is the nominee that is going to lead us to victory and more; to the tomorrow we want for our children and grandchildren. Donald Trump—our commanding general in this present war—can and will lead us to victory on the battlefield to defeat the absolute enemies America faces today . . . unless YOU hamstring him and aid the enemy—which today includes the globalists, the WHO, the WEF, the UN, the Chinese Communists, the Islamists who demand our submission or death, and the whole damn industrialists designing a world of slavery for our posterity. Donald Trump and I are both in our 70s. You aren’t doing this for us; you are doing this for America!

So stop being a private being a drag on our conquest for a right victory against the evil and demons trying to destroy America! Move and fight with a real purpose! Hell, do it for yourselves and your families! But whatever you do get engaged and begin to move with resolve against the enemy rather than the commander and his staff. Join the MAGA Army even if you don’t like doing it!

General MacArthur didn’t fight and win the Pacific Theatre because he loved FDR and Truman! He won the Pacific war because he loved America! So get out of your pity party that only aids the enemy. Get your head and heart in the game! Don’t worry you might be “canceled”! I’ve been canceled continuous since 2013. Get over it! It only hurts for a little while! Get a spine and get out of your fighting position and maneuver on the enemy! Fight and win! Get over being butt-hurt! We have a war to fight and win. You in the fight to rebuild America with President Donald J. Trump? or on the enemies side? Be a real hero or a damn traitor! Don’t be a slimy slug! Be the hero! Do it now!

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
June 1, 2024

What WE must do NOW!

A friend in frustration asked what WE can do in the face of this open criminal government attack on our nation. This is my response.

One of the things all of us must do is to make every member of Congress understand that we are unquenchably angry at their idle talk and inaction in the face of this gross and total corruption of our government. They must, every one of them quake in fear as they understand that we the constituents will fry them on the stovetop electorally if they refuse to hold government actors and agencies absolutely accountable. And understand that one of the absolutes is that Congress defund-defund-defund not only the criminal DOJ, FBI, ATF, and other federal law enforcement; but the federal courts equally. Only then will they begin to understand when they cannot fund wars and corruption without being thrown out of office and unwelcome back in their Districts and states. That is only first on our list of actions WE must take; or we will have allowed our enemies to destroy our nation.

And second, if businesses believe that we will just continue to spend our dollars supporting their enrichment and expansion of the crooked state and globalist initiatives, we will have missed our best chance to defund evil in our land!

Start there! But this is just our starting point.

CPT Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
May 31, 2024

This is all part of the enemy’s plan from the start!

I want every American to understand what is planned next by the Democrats and Establishment Republicans. Now that they have conducted their corrupt trial and obtained a felony conviction of President Trump, the next move THEY HAVE BEEN PLANNING IN THE U.S. HOUSE AND SENATE is to craft and pass legislation to remove Secret Service protection from “any president convicted of a felony.”

They have already been planning this removal of President Trump’s Secret Service protection in Congress! When Congress passes that legislation and crooked Joe Biden signs the legislation, the court will order President Trump into prison.

That is all they want! They do not care if his conviction will be overthrown on appeal as long as they can get him into a jail cell where he can have the same protection as Epstein had—NONE! We will be told that he committed suicide while guards were distracted! That is the end of their planning! They don’t care what you think of their sham trial and conviction. They don’t care if you can see their murder plan. They just want him dead with no witnesses and a coroner of the same character as President John Kennedy had when his body arrived at Bethesda! They plan to kill him and they will use this faux conviction to get him to a place where THEY can murder him! That is what this trial has been all about from the very beginning!

The American People must never let the enemy get their hands on our president—NEVER!

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
May 30, 2024

As the enemy of Liberty rejoice in their shallow and inconsequential legal victory certain to be overturned, stand firm in our determination to yet save the United States of America!

This is NOT a defeat! Evil has stood and shook their fists not at President Donald J. Trump; but they are shaking their fists at the God of Israel, our Constitution, and the real—True—United States of America; and they have declared war on every courageous patriotic American—you and me! If we will remain unmoved, determined, and faithful, our God and Donald J. Trump will demonstrate that faith and resolve—with overwhelming strength—will powerfully crush the crooked Left and begin to rebuild our nation as we bring our enemies to justice and submission according to our United States Constitution.

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
May 30, 2024

The Left’s demand that God surrender His throne to them (from 2015).

Some people remain confused about why it is so important to the Left that everyone surrender to their demand that Christians reject God’s Word condemning homosexual behaviors and accept same-sex marriage as an equal to traditional Christian marriage. Simply put, it isn’t about “marriage”; and it isn’t about “love”! It is about forcing YOU and ME to surrender our Christian beliefs. The following is one of my responses to a fellow Christian wondering why the community of people who practice homosexual behaviors insist on getting the “right” to marry as opposed to using some “other” term. I hope it helps you understand the Truth about the issue (which, contrary to the political Left, is neither “homophobia” nor ‘hate speech”). And, by-the-way, there is nothing “gay” about being a sexual deviant!

“The difference, my friend, is that they are ready to burn the world down to force Christians to approve of the homosexual lifestyle. It isn’t about “marriage” at all! It isn’t about “love” at all! Real Christianity agrees with God’s Word and God’s Word condemns homosexual BEHAVIOR. It is their demand, then, that God yield to them His throne. They want to be gods. They want to make the rules! You can worship God, but only if He is a “little ‘g'” god behind them–and the State. They want not only to be their own god, but they want you and me to know that according to their ‘commandments’ you must bow before their idols (including abortion, homosexual behavior, and Communism). So they know that unless they can take away the distinctiveness of traditional God honoring and ordained marriage, we will never surrender and “approve” of their sexual deviance. They don’t care about “marriage” (the Left declared marriage dead in the ’70s)! This is about controlling you and making YOU say “UNCLE”!

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army

Fort Worth, Texas
May 27, 2015

These questions posed from this date 2022 have still not been answered. We have a right to the truth!

Think about this. Where did this 18 year old cross dressing high school student have the money to purchase two new high priced rifles, ammunition magazines, body armor, a large amount of ammunition, and a 70,000 dollar pickup truck in Uvalde, Texas?

Why did he crash the truck? Was that a diversion from what he intended to do in the school?

Here is a more direct question. Was this screwed up kid recruited and coached and FUNDED by someone like—but not necessarily—George Soros to attack these 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders as a means to take his vengeance upon his community? Was the real purpose of those who may have orchestrated this human sacrifice to stir public rage against the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Was it to encourage the conference on the International Health Treaty in Geneva, Switzerland, to pass Biden’s treaty amendments to cede U.S. sovereignty to the WHO to impose restrictions on gun rights in America? Was it to create a political distraction away from Democrat destruction of our economy and our elections? Was it the use of an indoctrinated confused kid by Democrats and the Uniparty to overthrow our Constitution?

These are the real questions for which we need to demand true answers! Don’t let them cover up what was really behind this senseless slaughter of children. We know from abortion that Democrats are completely willing to sacrifice children’s lives for their political objectives. Is that what Uvalde was all about?

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 27, 1776

Our loss of sovereignty hangs in the balance today! Biden and the WHO must be stopped!

Joe Biden took an oath when he stepped into the office of president of the United States to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Joe Biden unilaterally and secretly proposed last January amendments to the International Health Regulations Treaty in Geneva, Switzerland, that would cede—would surrender—United States sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) in vague issues of “health emergencies” (that could mean almost anything) authority to order and make globalist mandates on the American People by the sole authority of the World Health Organization.

That is a clear violation of his oath of office as President of the United States of America. That alone is an act of treason.

Joe Biden must be removed from office and tried as a traitor.

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 27, 1776

As long as citizens have the right and the means to protect their liberty, then the Democrats can’t take away the citizen’s liberty!

Democrats lie when they claim that the Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights, an essential part of our Constitution, to protect hunting rights. Hunting rights was no part of their concern.

The Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights because the citizens of the new republic had just fought a war against British tyranny. If they had not had weapons, they would not have gained liberty.

The Second Amendment was a guarantee to citizens that they could defend themselves against a government that might become a threat to their liberty; like the United States has become under Democrat control today.

Democrats are not confused about this. They hate the Second Amendment, without abridgment (meaning without having to register your weapons with the government such that they know who to come and disarm and arrest first), because as long as citizens have the right and the means to protect their liberty, then the Democrats can’t take away the citizen’s liberty! When Democrats pretend the Second Amendment is about hunting rights they are lying! They are liars!

I believe that this shooter in Uvalde, who slaughtered the elementary students, was not operating on his own. I believe some Democrat(s) funded, coached, and helped him plan his attack on the children for the very purpose of pushing at this time new gun laws and an attempt to overthrow the Second Amendment. If you disagree with my assessment of Democrat motives I am sorry for you that you remain so naive.

Democrats are already baby killers (abortion even 28 days post-birth) and evil to their core!

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 27, 1776

A Memorial Message from the edge of Persia.

A Memorial Message from the edge of Persia.

Forward Operating Base, Farah, Afghanistan, August 29, 2007.

Captain Terry M. Hestilow, Infantry, United States Army, Retired

Scripture Text

1 Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisga, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD shewed him all the land of Gilead, unto Dan,
2 And all of Naphtali, and the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, unto the utmost sea,
3 And the south, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, unto Zoar.
4 And the LORD said unto him, This is the land which I swear unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed: I have caused thee to see it with thine own eyes, but thou shalt not go over thither.

Deuteronomy 34:1-4

1 And it came to pass, when all the people were clean passed over Jordan, that the LORD spake unto Joshua, saying,
2 Take you twelve men out of the people, out of every tribe a man,
3 And command ye them, saying, Take you hence out of the midst of Jordan, out of the place where the priests’ feet stood firm, twelve stones, and ye shall carry them over with you, and leave them in the lodging place, where ye shall lodge this night.

21 And he spake unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones?
22 Then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land.
23 For the LORD your God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed over, as the LORD your God did to the Red sea, which he dried up from before us, until we were gone over:
24 That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty: that ye might fear [regard with awe] the LORD your God for ever.

Joshua 4:1-3, 21-24


In the final passages of the book of Deuteronomy we have the account of the last days of the leadership of Moses over Israel. God had determined that Moses would not lead Israel into the Promised Land; but, he did take Moses up upon an overlooking mountain and showed him the land that he was giving to Israel. It isn’t that Moses didn’t want to go in, he would have very much loved to lead his people and see the new era of the nation of Israel settling into their new home.

The role of leadership was now passing to Moses’ deputy; a young man of uncommon courage and faith who had served Moses since the days of Egyptian bondage. He had learned by a generation of watching Moses, trusting and following God, that he too could trust God in every aspect of life and death. God, in fact, had reassured Joshua himself that he would be his guide. In chapter 3, verse 7 of the book of Joshua, God says to him, “…as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee.”

The Red sea had stood before Israel, trapping them before the Egyptian army that was riding out to recapture them and return them to slavery. Only the power of God could save them. Obeying God, Moses stood upon a rock and raised the rod of God in faith. The ocean, retreating before God’s chosen people, provided a crossing of dry ground for Israel’s escape and Egypt’s defeat.

Now, a generation later, Joshua stood with Israel on the eastern bank of the river Jordan which was swelled with water at this time of year. The day of crossing was at hand, but before them was the river. To move the nation into the land of promise, God would have to again provide the means. God told Joshua exactly what to do, and Joshua passed those instructions to the leadership at every level of command.

The priests were to carry the Ark of the Covenant on their shoulders to the brink of the rushing waters. The people were to follow. Although there was no indication that anything had changed in the landscape or river, the people were to move by faith to the flowing water.

When the feet of the priests stepped into the water the water heaped up as had the Red sea a generation before. Now, this new generation saw firsthand how God was at work in their own lives to give them a future and a home. They too were to pass over on dry ground.

But wait, God had given Joshua some other instructions, too. He told Joshua to deliberately pick out men to carry rocks, big rocks on their shoulders, out of the middle of the river bed, and put them down in a single pile where they would camp that night in their new land. They were to be a monument of stones carried from the middle of what had been their obstacle to peace.

The reason was very simple. They needed a place where they and their children could come and be reminded of what had actually happened in their own lives. It was to be a memorial, to reach back and touch, to remind them when times got tough, or maybe just mundane, of all that God had done for them in the past. By using these touch stones of remembrance they could have faith that God would be there for the following generations just as he had been there for their parents and grandparents before them.

I don’t want to make too strong an analogy between the events described in the scripture text of Israel’s experience and what we have endured here. There are, however, common themes that are appropriate for us to grasp as we remember these two fine men who lived among us, and are now gone.

Like Israel, we are moving through a period of turmoil in our nation’s history and seeking peace and security for our people, our families, and our children in the years and decades to come. Unlike our fathers and grandfathers before us who fought and won the peace out of World War II, the battle for our time is now and in this place. This is our Jordan. The peace we seek is not here, we cannot stay in the dry river bed, we have to move to the other side; we have to take hold of the peace, we have to appropriate it for ourselves and our people. That is our task.

The task of preserving liberty in a violent, unfair and hostile world is not for the feint of heart. These men, SFC Scott Carney and SFC Daniel Miller, were strong men of character who loved their God, their families and their country. Like the other men and women they served with, they valued the days ahead in a land of peace with their wives and children and friends. Like you and me, they held that hope each day in the midst of this present conflict.

Sergeants Carney and Miller were made of that special fabric willing to accept the risk that they might never see those days hoped for because the prize of peace sought for our nation might very well cost them their own lives.

War is a grinding machine. We don’t all die, thankfully; and, we don’t all die in combat that do fall. Some die in the workings of the vice that takes a percentage of lives just because things break. That is what happened to these two men. They were caught in the machinery of war and lost their lives in an accident that we pray we will learn from so that others will not likewise be lost. Their blood is mingled with the blood of every other person who values liberty and justice, and give their lives in a time of war. Their blood has sanctified this land. Active combat or accident, it doesn’t matter. They gave their lives because they were here to do the job at hand. They have now joined that august group of patriots who have given up everything in this world for you and me and for our nation to live in peace and liberty.

They are our stones from the riverbed. In this time of shared conflict and sacrifice, we need to make very certain that we carry the memory of sergeants Carney and Miller with us to the other side. We need to make sure that our children know of these men, and so many others throughout our nation’s history, who have given everything to redeem our freedom.

I am reminded of the dying words captain John H. Miller whispered in the ear of young private James Ryan on that bridge in France before he passed from this life into eternity. In the middle of that scene of carnage and death, the battle won and the enemy in retreat, Captain Miller whispered to Ryan the words that would remain his challenge for the rest of his life and make him a better man. He whispered in his passing, “Earn this.” Many have paid everything for you and me. Let us not waste this sacrifice of life. Earn this.

The greatest tragedy of this mission, of what we do as a people, and as a nation, would be to forget the high cost of freedom. Once again, we have these lives as our touch stones; we can hear their whispering voices urging us on, “Earn this.”

Make it count. These men lost their lives making it count for others. We are the beneficiaries, as are all other free men and women in the world, of the forfeit of their lives – of their family’s lives – for our way of life and liberty – and don’t let anyone rob you of that confidence with petty cynicism!

I don’t know what it will mean to you – but, like the stones Israel carried from the troubled river bed of Jordan – these men’s lives will always remain for me a memorial of what it has cost others for me to go home and live in the land of promise. I pray I earn it in the years to come.

Take them up – take them with you – and when the times are particularly challenging – touch the stones, the memory of their lives like stones out of Jordan, and then make it count…earn it. Earn it for them, earn it for your loved ones, earn it for yourself.

Let us pray.

[United States flag is lowered during the playing of “Taps”]

Closing Prayer