I will defend those who defend America!

I posted the following message four days ago about the systematic purge taking place in the Department of Defense of pro-life Christian men and women in uniform who, after years of dedicated service and sacrifice, and numerous combat tours of duty placing their lives at risk for America, are being punished and driven from service because they refuse to let the Biden Administration force them to be made lab rats and receive a pharmaceutical product developed and tested using cells of aborted babies. Fact!

Few people apparently saw my post because, apparently, Facebook flagged the article cited from a military publication because Facebook is an illegal but functional censor for the government now.

Here is my post without the article attached. Frankly, the censorship is a bigger plague than was the actual illness. I hope this time you get to read what I wrote. It is important. We must defend these pro-life Christians in uniform. Can you imaging what our armed services will become if our service members ever become mindless military slaves without a conscience informed by their constitutional rights and religious faith? They would do horrible things on any order given them by tyrannical leadership!


Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 13, 2022

My article from four days ago:

Social media may be shadow censoring my posts like this; but I suspect that a good number of my social media followers and friends are also intimidated by the threat of the Communists to suspend their profiles. I do understand if people are afraid to respond to this post; but regardless of the Communist intimidation of social media working illegally on behalf of the U.S. government, I urge you to at least read this linked material if for no other reason than to understand the abuse our courageous pro-life Christian service members are going through because they will not surrender their integrity and forfeit their constitutional rights and their rights under the Religious Restoration Act of 1993.

I pray that you will not turn your back on our Christian service members and just scroll past. We have bled and many have died in wars defending the rights of Americans. From the betrayal of our sacrifice in Vietnam to the betrayal in Afghanistan by the Biden Administration’s joining the Taliban and funding their arms build-up with U.S. arms to the tune of $85Billion in August of 2021, service members have seen our nation totally disregard the blood, the very lives of our heroes time and time again. We are being betrayed again as patriotic pro-life Christian service members are being persecuted and driven from the military by our current Executive Branch and today’s military leaders.

You have read time and again about the strong measures that I will pursue if President Donald J. Trump selects me, and I am confirmed by a Republican Senate, to serve as his next Secretary of Defense beginning in January of 2025. Let me state again that I will have the backs of these abused service members and fight through every barrier raised by the enemy to stop me, so that we may once again give them the option to return to duty if they desire, without a requirement to surrender their religious beliefs and receive injections against their body sovereignty, to have all punitive actions and sentences related to these illegal mandates completely overturned, to restore to them all of the honors, rank, time in grade, and time in service, without any record of adverse personnel actions noted in their personnel records, and special consideration as appropriate, to restore their careers to where they logically would have been had they not been targeted by this criminal and morally bankrupt Administration and Pentagon leadership.

Further, I will pursue and insist on a full-scale investigation by the Judge Advocates Office to identify every single officer, Flag, Field, or Company grade, who pursued illegal unconstitutional action against any service member under this Administration, and fully prosecute them, military or civilian members of the DoD, if investigation reveals a reasonable demand for prosecution under law.

And finally, I will pursue the relief from duty and suspension of every chaplain who took it upon themselves to sit in judgement upon the sincerity of service members in their assigned commands and, if proved to be true in fact, see that every one of those chaplains are themselves discharged for their recommendations against service members punished as a result of their recommendations. Chaplains don’t get to make recommendations of punitive actions based upon their own interrogations for command of service members and interpretations of a service member’s sincerity regarding their religious beliefs. Real chaplains know better!

Please read and respond in support to those working to preserve the rights of these persecuted military service members. I’m begging you!

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 8, 2022

My last letter to Representative Beth VanDuyne, TX-24, UniParty Republican.

Representative VanDuyne,

Re: Motion to Vacate.

I cannot tell you how deeply it disturbs me to have to write this letter to you. I have had great hopes for you as my Representative in the House of Representatives; but you have been stubbornly voting recently in ways that I find very troubling. Indeed, your vote to table Representative Marjorie Taylor Green’s extremely well documented motion to vacate the Speaker’s Chair is a betrayal that will stand between you and me from now on. MTG could not have more clearly articulated the profound issues of Speaker Johnson’s repeated stabs in the back he has committed over and over in his absolute determination to do the bidding of Biden, Schumer, and Jeffries to destroy our nation. And I suggest no hyperbole when I use the word betrayal! Against all of his high promises in the Name of Jesus Christ, he has been more dedicated in his treason than was Nancy Pelosi! Yes! He is worse!

And his betrayals are so profound that Hakeem Jeffries brags about his being a useful idiot on national television giving to the Democrats every horrible thing they desire! And YOU obediently vote along with the UniParty against MTG’s righteous motion to vacate?! Well, I’ll tell you, young lady, you do not represent me! And you will not ever represent me again!

YOU are doing the evil work of your puppet of Hakeem Jeffries! Your “yes” vote to table the motion to vacate makes you a tool of Biden and Jeffries. I will have none of your treason. I suppose you were always too weak for the job. I pity you.

I have served my nation from combat in Vietnam to Afghanistan as an enlisted soldier, a non-commissioned officer, and a commissioned officer of airborne infantry. I have never betrayed my oath of office. My recommendation for you is that if you cannot be true, be gone and resign from office so we can have a representative strong enough to stand for principles and not be a pushover wallflower.

We can’t trust you with this office any longer.

CPT Terry M. Hestilow
U.S. Army, Retired
May 8, 2024

Demand for Legislation at both State and Federal levels to stop physical violence and destruction in riots and demonstrations.

We in the United States of America are decades late in passing legislation at every level of government to prevent physical violence, chaos, and destruction of property by individuals and groups in riot or demonstration under the false defense of “free speech” that prevents by force the free exercise of other’s constitutional rights and movement in public.

These laws must empower civil and military authorities to use every resource available to immediately encircle mobs, to identify those responsible for every act of violence against others, or to restrict the free movement of citizens in public by illegal acts of force and acts of destruction of property both private and public.

And every such act in violation of such legislation must carry such penalties at increasing severity to punish such acts in violation of public civility including sentences to expose such offenders to significant sentences in prison and many times multiples in fines for any damage caused to private and public properties.

Finally, in cases of riot and organized demonstrations where death of others is caused by acts of those involved in riots or demonstrations, upon conviction, offenders must be subject to capital punishment for such acts.

Government must protect under law the rights of every citizen equally.

CPT Terry M. Hestilow, USA, Retired

May 8, 2024

Today is unique in all of eternity!

Sometimes we grow weary living in the flesh day-by-day. It is natural; but don’t let the world get you down. This is the only time in all of eternity that you and I get to live and walk by faith. Don’t let the devil steal your joy.

Remeber instead that God created you for this time and this place to live trusting Him for your today and eternity . . . being His reflection in the world today.

Angels see it, but they can’t understand it—they don’t get to live by faith; they see God. Just walk in obedience by faith and give the glory to God. See what He does with your life! Eyes open!

CPT Terry M. Hestilow
U.S. Army, Retired
May 7, 2024

First published this date, 2021, I hope that you will read this to its conclusion and understand how terribly evil is the killing of children for any supposed public good.

I truly hate to post this because I have had a great deal of respect for Dr. Robert Jeffress, and the work of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, which has been very good and important for the cause of Christ for decades; and I pray it will continue, but I was terribly grieved about a turn Dr. Jeffress’s message took as I listened on FM station KCBI this morning, May 2, 2021. I pray that Dr. Jeffress will understand the tragedy of his message and repent publicly, but he does not listen to me and I doubt his pride (and perhaps his obligation to his “big pocket” donors) will let him correct what he said.

Now let me say quickly that normally I would not expect that criticism of a fellow Southern Baptist preacher would buy me time in suspension from the media, but after reading this you will probably understand that for my crime of truth in print I will be sent again to print prison shortly (if not immediately), so when I disappear again, you know why.

So here is the problem. Dr. Jeffress was doing what so many preachers do today to keep the Holy Spirit quiet and was preaching a series of sermons so that Holy Spirit doesn’t get a chance to get a Word in edgewise and actually speak from our pulpits what He wants us to hear. Jeffress was preaching on the damaging effects of isolation and loneliness. Then, as he neared the conclusion of his sermon he got around to the most unholy part of his message.

Dr. Jeffress, speaking of the negative effects of the enduring (I will not use the name) national shutdown began to talk about the effect it had on church attendance at FBC-Dallas. He said that due to that disease only seventy-two percent of the congregation had returned to church. Then his words became toxic and took on the stinch of hell.

Dr. Jeffress went on a long explanation that if only the remaining twenty-eight percent of the congregation would go out and get their needle pricks for this famous new disease then everyone could return to church just like before. Was he suggesting that people would need their medical records to come back to church? It sounded that way.

But then he did what I feared he would do. He began to lie about the efficacy, the safety, and the miraculous properties available to Americans if they would just submit to having their potions injected. To those who still remain doubtful about the substance being given to restore America to just mask wearing and social distancing forevermore, he said that the government sponsored needle pricks were a terrific solution.

Then he put a big smile on the Adversary’s face. He assured his listeners that they would not be injected with any cells from any aborted babies, and that arguments against the new substance being injected centered around the fact (which he admitted) that cells from an aborted baby decades ago in Switzerland were indeed used in the research to develop the new medical product (but in fact, it is a lie that only cells from that line were used in its medical development—other recent aborted cell lines were also used), but we should not be bothered by it and just get our injections.

Let me be clear here. There is never a justifiable reason for any Christian to ever approve of, or use products made with or developed in any way through the use of the bodies of children sacrificed—including through the process of abortion—regardless of time or place of the killing of the child. So, regardless of the date of killing, yesterday, today, or fifty years ago, and regardless of the location of the sacrifice of the child, through pagan Baal worship or its modern equivalent in an abortuary, in America, China, Europe, or anywhere else on this globe and universe, sacrificing children for any reason or supposed benefit is absolutely wrong and morally repugnant to God!

I grieve that Dr. Jeffress has come to the morally bankrupt place in his life and ministry that he can wink at the slaughter of any child, past, present, or future, on any altars of benefit to mankind, administered through witches or morally corrupt physicians and politicians, for any reason, and especially to get the approval of men so that his pews will once again be filled to capacity. If that is where he has descended, then he needs to leave the ministry and get himself right with God to understand once again the inherent value of human life created in God’s very image from conception to natural death!

I pity Dr, Jeffress in his moral collapse and pray he will immediately and publicly repent for his deception of God’s people by leading the gulible to take part in this tragic sacrifice under the title of imagined health benefit. God cannot bless us in this and I truly fear the plagues we will see for what we have done with the children God gave us to love and protect, but we have made a product of convenience.

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army

May 2, 2021

Here is another important reality churches must lock onto if they are actually going to be the Living Church in America.

The Church is NOT a business! It is the Embassy of Heaven! No embassy flies another flag in place of their own in a position reflecting sovereignty; and the true Church, as a true embassy, does not subordinate their nation’s laws to that of the nation in which the embassy exists.

Why am I emphasizing this? Defending a church’s position of submission to state and municipal mandates and restrictions, a congregant challenged me with the usual sheeply defense that, “It is the law.”

I responded, “Are you going to keep repeating that when the law demands that you employ a so-called ‘transgender’ to be your pastor? Because that day is coming!”

And how are we to be the Church and tell people they can’t come to worship or hear the Word of God because the state has limited us to only thirty percent capacity? Do we tell the unsaved to come back after the mandates have been removed?

In America we must once again understand that the real Church does not limit our ministries according to state mandates and orders, or we will have ceased to be the Church.

If we fall on our face for the State then we have chosen to worship another god, and we know what God said about that. Stand up Church! Be the Church in America and tell those pushing satanic communism that we will never ever submit!

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army

May 2, 2024

No part of “The Communist Manifesto” is consistent with any portion of the U.S. Constitution. It is impossible to reconcile the two in any meaningful way.

Every person who serves as a member of the United States Armed Services has sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. No part of “The Communist Manifesto” is consistent with any portion of the U.S. Constitution. It is impossible to reconcile the two in any meaningful way.

That being true, if President Trump names me to serve as his next Secretary of Defense in January of 2024, and if I am confirmed in office by the Republican Senate, one of the first things that I will begin to do is to remove for cause every service member who promotes Marxism as an alternative method of government for the United States beginning with flag officers in every branch of service. We have sworn our oaths to the Constitution! Not any crumb or feather of the abhorent Communist Manifesto!

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 2, 2024

Right and wrong isn’t based on feelings. C.S. Lewis on morality.

Noted 20th century Oxford professor of literature and author C.S. Lewis wrote in ”Mere Christianity” concerning the issue of right and wrong,

“Whenever you find a man who says he does not believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later. He may break his promise to you, but if you try breaking one to him he will be complaining ‘It’s not fair’ before you can say Jack Robinson. A nation may say treaties don’t matter; but then, next minute, they spoil their case by saying that the particular treaty they want to break was an unfair one. But if treaties do not matter, and if there is no such thing as Right and Wrong—in other words, if there is no Law of Nature—what is the difference between a fair treaty and an unfair one? Have they not let the cat out of the bag and shown that, whatever they say, they really know the Law of Nature just like anyone else?

“It seems, then, we are forced to believe in a real Right and Wrong. People may be sometimes mistaken about them, just as people sometimes get their sums wrong; but they are not a matter of mere taste and opinion any more than the multiplication table.”

Thoughts on the issue: CPT Hestilow, United States Army, Retired.

I think that perhaps Lewis is pointing out that it is possible, even if one is not a biologist, to say, consistent with the Law of Nature—of Right and Wrong—what is, in reality, a woman and a man, according to biology, a woman, and man.

Courts—and especially a court of highest authority in the land—are supposed to be able not to make up a new definition of Right and Wrong, but to distinguish correctly the difference in Right and Wrong. How sad for a nation that chooses judges who, by their own admission, cannot distinguish the difference? They destroy Truth in favor of opinion.

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 1, 2022

Remember this past August when the Biden Administration unconditionally soiled American blood, surrendered to the Taliban, and unilaterally gave the enemy an $85billion gift of war equipment? He was just following in the footsteps of Nixon!

Forty-seven years ago, April 30, 1975, we gave the communists in North Vietnam all of South Vietnam. Our sacrifice and blood has never meant a thing to Democrats and WINOs. . . RINOs!

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 1, 2022

Afghanistan ‘07-‘08

If called upon by President Trump to serve as his next Defense Secretary I would insist upon the freedom and support to implement the following policy throughout our military.

Always one to tip-toe around issues that might spark controversy, here I go again tippy-toeing into issues of how I would lead if selected by President Donald Trump to serve as his next Defense Secretary in January 2024.

Service members are all subject to physical and psychological requirements if they are allowed to serve in any of the military branches of the United States military. Two issues that have been blurred in recent times is the physical demands, particularly in combat operations, that impact service members in different ways according to their sexual identity from birth. While both men and women in combat ready physical condition can, and must be prepared for every contingiency in the combat environment, it is essential for combat and Defense planners that we limit, in the interests of saving lives and mission success—factors of fitness that directly relates to the preservation of the force for future operations—unnecessary risks and vulnerabilities to the force.

To the extent that such risk factors in the aggregate impact individuals of one biological sexual identity as distinct from the other, it is a necessary and proper organizing principle to organize units with biological sexual identity as a necessary consideration.

Beyond the physical demands of military service prepared to fight the necessary wars our Congress and president(s) mobilize the nation to fight, we must also continue to evaluate potential service members according to psychological factors that might become a force vulnerability. It is essential in a hostile environment such as the field of combat, that we do not allow service members who are unresolved in issues of their own identity to serve in our armed services, and safeguard the force from confusion on issues of sexual identity.

Historically true biological sexual identity, which is a fundamental factor in the natural development of the physical bodies, attributes and endurance factors, has, in the past, been identified at the time of the induction physical. Between the physicsl, and presentation of various legal documents at the time of entry into military service, the Department of Defense maintained a relatively stable measure of the defense readiness and capability of the force.

Today, due to political changes in various states and components of the medical community the Department of Defense can no longer accept documents like birth certificates as primary and accurate historic documents that could clarify the permsnent biological sexual identity of a candidate for entry into America’s military forces. While official birth documents will likely remain a part of a prospective service member’s packet in the desired prospect of entry into the United States military, as the next Secretary of Defense serving President Trump, I would require that all individuals seeking entry into the U.S. military submit to genetic testing for the purpose of identifying a candidates true biological sexual identity with reference to the xx-xy chromosome makeup in a candidates DNA.

Further, without regard to the potential variability that a candidate for entry in the armed forces may contemplate in their personal lives following completion of their military service obligations, while a member of the United States military, and that individual’s capacity to function as a critical part of the defense of our nation, hormone treatments corresponding to a service member’s desires for alterations in one’s potential preferred changes to their outward physical appearance relating to any desired so-called “gender transition” while in the U.S. military would be prohibited and constitute violations of their contracts of service. Violations of this future DoD policy would become, for purposes of the safety and integrity of the force, punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and U.S. law as it relates to violations of one’s entry contract for military service.

It should also be noted that for the purpose of the Department of Defense only males and females are recognized and allowed entry into the United States armed services. Any illusions or claims to “being” exceptions to that rule (e.g. non-binary as it relates to sexual identity) will be treated as evidence of a psychological disorder and such service personnel would be immediately relieved of duty and reassigned for psychological evaluation and possible discharge from service predicated on the findings of the service member’s medical evaluation.

The safety and effectiveness of our military forces is fundamental to our national security. I would insist on these measures to maintain a strong and prepared fighting force to keep America safe and free.

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army
May 1, 2022