How must we respond?

There is no real question that China has launched biological war on not just the United States, but against most free market economies around the world. The question for patriotic Americans is what our response will be against not only China, in this new war (and it is war by any understanding), but what action must we take against China’s allies in their conduct of war on free nations by the United Nations, World Health Organization, and the Communist American Democrat Party. They are one and all enemies of our Constitution and our American way of life. We ARE at war already, and our own population is heavily corrupted with supporters of freedom’s enemies.

Can I say it any clearer?

CPT (Ret.) Terry Michael Hestilow, USA
April 16, 2020

It’s like something I saw in a movie!

For those trying to defend China by suggesting that the Wuhan virus was enhanced so that “vaccines” could be prepared against any possible subsequent natural infection of populations; but the enhanced virus accidentally escaped from the lab purely by accident.

Those who believe this have been watching too many “Jurassic” dinosaur movies! Here’s a movie analogy that is more representative of Communists and Democrats. Think of the Nazi female officer whose life was designing chemical weapons in the movie “Wonder Woman”! Get the picture? That is who the Red Chinese are—with the aid of the U.N., WHO, Communist American Democrats (traitors), and the MSM (but now I am being redundant).

The infection pattern around the world plainly tells us that the Communist Chinese developed (for their own purposes in their attempt to dominate the world) the Wuhan virus—-a bio-weapon—and systematically dispatched massive numbers of infected carriers strategically around the world to infect intended populations (but not where they didn’t want it). This bio-weapon could never have spread like it did had it not been a deliberate action of the Communist Chinese as a hostile attack against free-market competitors.

CPT (Ret.) Terry Michael Hestilow, USA
April 16, 2020

And we wonder why adult Americans and our children educated in public schools have such little understanding of the value of human life?

Originally posted in 2015. Extremely relevant today.

Exposing the truth about the attempts to justify murder in America.

There was a post I saw earlier today showing the dead body of a little girl about three or four who had been beaten to death by her father and step-mother … and then left as they fled the crime scene. I debated with myself if I should share it at the time, but wasn’t prepared to do so then. I have looked for it since, but I am now unable to find it. It may not really matter that I can’t show you the little girl, except that somehow actually “seeing” a child that has been beaten to death is far more moving and powerful than just reading and processing the information. So, for hers and other children’s sake, don’t lose sight of your mental picture of that little girl beaten to death as you read my post, and you should get what I am really driving at.

What I want to address–and I am in no way trying to justify the murderous betrayal of the little girl’s right to be able to trust in her parents–is the question, “why should this behavior by her 21st Century parents surprise us anymore?” In the following article I wrote originally on October 30, 2015, (and the reference to the present killing of the little girl is not the reference I was making in 2015; but rather another case was mentioned in question at the time) I address how we have conditioned people like this child’s father and step-mother to disregard and, or, hold in contempt this child’s life. And that is the problem! We have taught, through abortion, to contemporary Americans, that they have no reason to value certain human life. A gift of the Left.

Let me be clear! Anyone who justifies killing children through abortion have in fact justified the killing of children at any point if they represent a potential hardship or obstacle to a parent’s goals and objectives (or any other reason it seems). As revealed by the late Dr. Virginia Abernethey, professor emeritus at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine, killing children even up to the age of three or four (the age of the little girl identified in the post today) killed by her father and step-mother, our present government and medical community declare that these children should not be vested with the rights of personhood. The Supreme Court, the Establishment, the Democrats, the Liberals, and Planned Parenthood (literally every supporter of abortion) are each and every one of them, partly responsible for this little girl’s beating death!

Think I am going too far? Read my article and notice the foundation for the erosion of the value of human life we have arrived at today. My 2015 article (modified only for clarity and to note this post’s current date) follows:

You should understand that if the courts can ignore personhood at the beginning of life, they can deny your personhood at any other point in your life. The following is long, but it is extremely important and contains information that may not be available anymore from a 1985 Newsweek article. The abortion community has never believed adults should have to respect the life of a child. The excerpt that I draw from the text of the 1985 Newsweek article reveals an arrogant dismissal of any demand of “personhood” even around ages three or four. Please take the time and read the background. I think you will find it important. Thanks!

This case reflects the long corrupted Malthusian contempt for life responsible for the greatest slaughters of people throughout history. This kind of logic was employed in the infamous Dred Scott v Sandford decision by Chief Justice Roger Taney, writing for the Supreme Court’s majority, when in the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford case, the majority wrongly decided that no person of African descent could be worthy of citizenship in the United States, “even if freed” (Dred Scott was a slave suing for his freedom), and, as such, could not be considered “persons” under the U.S. Constitution and, therefore, were mere property that could be disposed of in whatever way the owner chose. The Dred Scott decision was a clear corruption of law that forced a Civil War to correct.

Likewise, in Nazi Germany we find that in 1933 the medical authorities sought, and gained from the political authorities in the Reich medical authorization to gas and kill people classified by the State as “devoid of value” (aka German Euthanasia Program). They were the elderly, the chronically ill, the handicapped, and those with mental limitations (and others) whom were consuming resources but contributing nothing to the State (“non-producers) to profit the Reich. It is from this German Euthanasia Program that “The Final Solution” was derived to kill the masses of people the State no longer recognized as “persons” under the German legal system of protection.

Like, Dred Scott (the African slave in early America), the elderly and ill had outlived their usefulness, and therefore, their right to be seen as “persons” protected by law. The German killing process was a clear corruption of the medical community that then corrupted the German legal and political community in Nazi Germany.

In 1973, in the infamous Roe v. Wade case, the Supreme Court doubled down on the errors of Dred Scott and the Nazi Euthanasia Program. Like Dred Scott, Justice Blackmun’s majority decision reflected a corruption of the legal community in the United States in that the so-called “Supreme Court” denied the right of personhood (specifically) to the pre-born child.

Justice Blackmun never said that the child was not “human” nor that it was not “alive”–but only that, under the [corrupted] interpretation of the US Constitution, it was not a “person” and could not be protected by the Constitution as a “person”. From there, the medical community recognized that they could make a lot of money from abortion and quickly abandoned the Hippocratic Oath for the profits of abortion.

In this case, the legal community became corrupted followed by the corruption of the medical community followed by the corruption of the political community followed by the corruption of the culture. In fact, biology and logic leads us to the truth of the situation.

From the point of conception you no longer have simply a cell of the mother or the cell of the father; but rather, a new unique living replicating human individual with their own DNA–their own unique human identity. And though it does not look the same, and proportionally is different from an adult while in the womb, its essence remains absolutely the same until the date of its natural death. None of us look the same at conception as we do at 1 day old or as we do at age 10, 20, 50, or 70 (as examples)–but our unique identity as living human individuals remains the same from conception to natural death.

The corrupted legal view of human life, however, has remained as corrupted from 1973 (and maybe 1857) as it is now.

In the posted article we read about a child injured in the womb who dies later [previous case]. But the following excerpt from Newsweek magazine, January 14, 1985, page 29, reveals the evil nature of the abortion mentality. This excerpt, entitled “The Hardest Question” by Kenneth Woodward with Mark D. Uehling, exposes that early on, just 12 years into legally protected child slaughter of “abortion on demand” in the United States, professors in medical schools in prestigious U.S. universities taught that “personhood” in children should not be recognized until “around [age] three or four” (and perhaps, like in Germany by logical extension, beyond our productive work years) to the elderly and ill and mentally retarded and handicapped as well.

Indeed, by today’s count, the United States has slaughtered more innocent people by multiplied many times what the German Third Reich did in the years from 1933-1945 [we owe them an apology].

The following is the Newsweek excerpt: “The gap between the two absolutist camps extends to the language they use. Most arguments about abortion turn on the status of the fetus. If, as some extreme pro-choicers insist, a fetus is merely a collection of cells, or tissue, or a ‘conceptus’–language that in itself denies any humanity to fetal life–then abortion is a morally neutral surgical procedure.

If, on the other hand, it is ‘a baby,’ then abortion is a form of killing–though not necessarily the crime of murder pro-life extremists claim it to be.

In most serious debates, however, it is taken as a biological fact that a fetus is alive [sic], human and unique–a developing human being. ‘If anyone seriously doubts that,’ says Jesuit moralist Richard McCormick of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University, ‘they need only wait 266 days to see what they get.’ “It is one thing for the born to recognize the unborn as human, however, and quite another for society to vest them with moral or legal rights as persons.

‘I don’t think abortion is ever wrong,’ argues psychiatrist and anthropologist Virginia Abernethy of Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine. ‘As long as an individual is completely dependent upon the mother, it’s not a person.’ In this view, which is shared by other pro-choice theorists, an individual becomes a person only when he or she becomes a responsible moral agent–around age three or four, in Abernethy’s judgment. Until then, she thinks, infants–like fetuses–are nonpersons; defective children, such as those with Down’s syndrome, may never become persons. The claim they have on persons, she says, is compassion, not a moral right to life: ‘Compassion is always very important, but [it] loses when weighed against the rights of a person.’” End of excerpt.

Abortion is, and always has been, the slaughter of innocent human life, and the Court’s decision in the cited article is simply the preservation of the corrupted view of the value, or in this case, the denial of value of human life. And we wonder why adult Americans and our children educated in public schools have such little understanding of the value of human life? In fact, what we are seeing acted out to our horror today is that these Americans are acting completely consistent with what they have been taught. We have taught them that all human life is completely disposable if approved by the State and is the desired end by those who control the victim’s well being–certainly since 1973.

CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret.
Fort Worth, Texas
April 16, 2015

Consider this to be your moment as true patriots today storming the congressional beach heads to defeat Joe Biden, the UN, and the World Health Organization to take over and overthrow the United States using fake or real “pandemics” and “emergency” globalist orders to destroy our nation’s sovereignty.

Mat Staver and Liberty Counsel <> do magnificent and critical legal work defending America. If I could characterize their work I would compare them to our U.S. troops storming ashore on D-Day to defeat the Nazis. 

I am sharing with you today an email I received today from Mat urging all of us to contact our respective congressional representatives in the U.S. House and Senate and urging them to “STOP the WHO Pandemic Treaty!” He calls all legitimate patriots in the House and Senate to “Vote ‘YES’ on HR 79, HR 1425 & S444.” 

Mat helps to make it possible for you to send faxes to your representatives—which I encourage—but if you are unable to send faxes for economic reasons, I encourage you to compose your own letters (and I gave you examples you can use in my postings on this subject yesterday that you are free to use and modify to reflect your own sentiments to your own respective representatives and senators (each state has two senators) and send to them via the internet by searching your members by name and sending emails to them individually. 

I am not undermining Mat’s initiative, but I do believe that individual letters in your own words are more effective than masses of faxes that are identical—and it is essential that we impress upon our representatives how evil the actions planned by Biden, the UN, and the WHO will be for the American people. 

Read Mat’s letter and follow your patriotic and Christian conscience. 

God bless you all, 

Captain Terry M. Hestilow  

United States Army, Retired 

April 16, 202 

The World Health Organization (WHO) appointed a panel of trans activists to create mandates that will be forced on member nations regarding “gender affirming” surgery and care. These dictates will be mandatory under international law for every country that signs on to the WHO’s new Pandemic Treaty and new International Health Regulations (IHR). 

Despite existing WHO guidelines that prohibit the mutilation of girls’ genitalia, the WHO will now recommend and potentially mandate those practices in cases where the patient is confused about his or her gender. 

The WHO’s World Health Assembly will meet in just a matter of weeks to approve the United Nations’ agency’s new Pandemic Treaty and new IHR. Joe Biden plans to sign this insane, politically driven set of documents that will bind America under international law. Only Congress can stop him, and only if we act now. 

In 2008, the World Health Assembly passed resolution WHA61.16 emphasizing the elimination of female genital mutilation (FGM). According to the WHO, FGM is the practice of partially or completely removing or damaging a girl’s or woman’s external genitalia. 

WHA61.16 required member nations to “take action” to eliminate female genital mutilation via health, women’s affairs, and justice sectors. 

In its published guidelines, the WHO recited the “serious health consequences” associated with the mutilation of young women’s genitals which, according to the WHO, include “severe pain, hemorrhage, tetanus, sepsis, urine retention, ulceration of the genital region” and long-term ill effects, including “recurrent bladder and urinary tract infection, cysts, severe and adverse psychological and sexual consequences.” 

Protect our children from the WHO’s transgender agenda. Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 1425 & S 444. 

But thanks to the near constant pressure of a rabid LGBTQ agenda eager to force “acceptance” of their delusions on the world, and the profit-driven “gender care” medical industry, the WHO has decided to make an exception to WHA61.16, allowing genital mutilation so long as the patients involved appear to be uncomfortable with their gender. 

Up until 2019, just a little over four years ago, the WHO officially considered transgenderism to be a mental health disorder. But after pressure from LGBTQ groups, the WHO “updated” its global manual of diagnosis to remove any reference to gender dysphoria as a mental illness, and instead placed issues of “gender incongruence” under a chapter on sexual health. 

But that was not enough for the LGBTQ gender benders and their puppet, WHO Director-General Tedros. In a bulletin released earlier this year, Tedros insisted that “Civil society and affected communities must mobilize to demand services, promote rights and reduce stigma” associated with transgenderism and other sexually deviant practices. Tedros also insisted the nations must “Counteract Conservative Opposition” to transgenderism. 

Now the WHO has appointed a panel of transgender activists on a “Guideline Development Group” to draw up global health rules for “transgender” procedures, including promoting “gender affirming” surgeries that partially or completely remove a girl’s or woman’s genitals. 

In other words, the WHO is setting a policy right now that FGM is wrong — unless it’s for LGBTQ purposes, in which case this destructive and dangerous practice is suddenly A-OK! 

And this is just the beginning of what Joe Biden wants to force on America. We must demand Congress stop him before it’s too late. 

STOP the WHO Treaty from replacing American law. 

Our medical policies should not be driven by politics, but on clear and unbiased science and reason. Nor should America’s health policies be dictated by an unelected globalist organization that developed its guidelines based on the recommendations of foreign staff members, many of whom aren’t even medical doctors, but are “trans” activists. 

If Joe Biden signs the upcoming WHO Pandemic Treaty and updated International Health Regulations, these irrational and profit-focused people WILL set our national health guidelines and our laws. 

That’s because, if signed, the Pandemic Treaty and IHR will have the force of international law. If America fails to comply, we will be dragged before the United Nations’ international courts and sanctioned until we change our laws to match the WHO demands. 

We cannot allow this wholesale theft of our rights any more than we can risk the future of the many children and adults who have fallen victim to the social contagion known as “transgenderism.” 

But Congress CAN stop this madness, by passing HR 1425 and S 444 — two bills that will STOP Joe Biden from selling America’s sovereignty to the WHO. Please, for the sake of our future and our children’s future, fax Congress NOW and demand they VOTE YES on HR 1425 & S 444. 

Liberty Counsel is fighting on multiple fronts to stop this march toward globalist tyranny. Your faxes and petition signatures help us fight for freedom in Washington, D.C. 

Let us no longer be deceived into believing our federal government is good or trustworthy!

One thing I can be thankful for today is the illegal prosecution of President Trump in a corrupt Manhattan courtroom by a corrupt judge and cowardly communist Democrat jackals; and a compromised justice system that allows Democrat communists to rape lady justice before their network cameras. There can no longer be any question that our justice system—from the Supreme Court down—is no longer trustworthy and instead is willing to allow innocent men and women to be destroyed along with constitutional America.

As we watch this unjust and illegal prosecution of President Trump intended to attempt to prevent you and me from being able to vote for him as our next president, let each of us dedicate ourselves to use this demonstration of corruption by traditional Democrat and Republican enemies of our Constitutional Republic as new profound dedication to elect President Trump and MAGA warriors to restore America’s greatness by purging America’s enemies from our government!

Did I miss anything?

Make America God’s Again!

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired

The terror that again threatens the lives of women in Islamic countries today.

This is the way it was in Afghanistan too! Women could not only go to school, but college. They weren’t valued less than cattle. They had rights. Then the Taliban seized power and threw Afghanistan back to the seventh century and started executing women in soccer stadiums.

As a civil affairs officer for the U.S. Army I went to Afghanistan to help Afghan women regain their rights. Thanks to Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin in August of 2021 who sneaked remaining U.S. military members out of Afghanistan, leaving U.S. citizens behind, in the dead of night, giving over $85B of the world’s most advanced and lethal weapons to the enemy—the Taliban—we abandoned such women and plunged Afghanistan into tyranny and darkness. We turned our backs on not only our commitments to the Afghan people; but on the wounded and dead American families who sacrificed to protect such women.

Remember that when you look at this photo. Joe Biden and the Democrats destroyed women’s lives and their hope of peace.

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
April 16, 2024

There is zero hyperbole in this alert that we will lose our nation if we allow Joe Biden to unilaterally modify our current treaty with the WHO! You must make your Senator support S444.

The following is my letter to my two Texas senators calling them with all urgency to support and pass S444 to prevent Joe Biden from unilaterally modifying the existing treaty with the World Health Organization, part of the United Nations, that would allow the WHO to have authority under a presumed “emergency” caused by a declared pandemic or other health crisis of the WHO’s unilateral determination, that would supersede American’s rights under our Constitution. You must act to prevent Joe Biden from unconstitutionally and illegally modify this existing Treaty with the WHO!

I authorize you to use the form of my letters to my two senators in your own letters to your senators to request their support for S444. Biden is planning to tender surrender of our authority in future declared health matters to the WHO next month! Act TODAY to stop him! Thank you. My letter:

Senator Cornyn,

Subject: Support for Senate Bill: S444

I write to you on the urgent matter of the threatened unconstitutional surrender by Joe Biden of U.S. sovereignty by his unilateral modification of the present treaty with the WHO that would cede authority over U.S. citizens in issues of life, medical treatment, and personal sovereignty to a global authority beyond the governance of the People of the United States over their own lives. I urge you to support with all your strength S444 requiring “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty without proper prior constitutional approval by the United States Senate and forbidding convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by WHO without prior constitutional Senate approval.

Thank you,
Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth, Texas
April 15, 2024

An issue of terrible importance requiring your immediate action to stop the WHO from assuming pandemic authority over you and your family if Joe Biden carries through on his threats to illegally modify the U.S. treaty with the WHO next month!

The following is a copy of my letter to my Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives concerning Joe Biden’s threat to cede authority to the WHO to exert their globalist authority over American’s health and treatment to mandate in your lives every part of you freedoms and body sovereignty. You are invited and encouraged to use my letter, modified to represent you and your geographic governing Representatives and Senators on this issue. I pray that you act and follow through to prevent this Executive Branch betrayal of our Constitution with regard to Treaties.

Dear Rep. Van Duyne,

Thank you for your hard work representing our 24th Texas District in the United States House of Representatives. I write to you today, along with Senators Cornyn and Cruz, on an urgent issue concerning anticipated action by Joe Biden and the existing Treaty with the World Health Organization and United Nations concerning issues of the pandemic preparedness treaty ceding legal authority to the WHO–an international UN organization–to dictate to Americans requirements determined by this global authority that would mitigate or deny Americans constitutional rights without a process for American citizens to resist these provisions. Two bills coming before the House address my concerns with this unconstitutional action by Joe Biden. The first bill is:

HR1425 which forbids the president to take upon himself the authority to change an existing treaty, or enter into a treaty, including a requirement that he does NOT enter into a treaty with the WHO on the pandemic preparedness treaty without prior constitutionally mandated 2/3rd approval by the U.S. Senate.


HR79 is the “WHO Withdrawal Act,” that would direct the president to withdraw the United States from any Treaty henceforward with the WHO.

Please be certain that you prevent this attack on the sovereignty of the American People by voting “YES” in support of both of these bills. Do not relent! Allow no quarter for the globalists, the UN, and specifically the WHO!

Thank you for your care and diligence in this matter. Please, be a co-sponsor of both of these Bills–HR 1425 and HR 79; and while you are at it, reach out to other Representatives to enlist their determined support for the passage of these Bills to prevent destruction to the freedoms of Americans by the WHO and UN.


Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth, Texas
April 15, 2024

The Democrat assassination of President Lincoln on April 15, 1865, is being replicated today, April 15, 2024, by Manhattan Democrats to politically assassinate President Trump on this anniversary of Lincoln’s death.

April 15, 1865, the Democrat assassination of Republican President Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C.

Now, on April 15, 2024, the Democrats again try to eliminate a Republican president. Today in Manhattan, New York, President Donald Trump is being illegally tried in federal court by Democrats and treasonous Republicans, aka “never Trumpers,” by devilishly evil corrupt men and women abusing our criminal justice system in the courts.

Today they are seeking to assassinate President Trump through what is known as “lawfare” (illegal prosecution in crooked courts conducted by criminal judges) to destroy unjustly the campaigns of political opponents.

All Democrats reflect the deviant corrupt lack of character of assassin John Wilkes Booth who sneaked like a Democrat snake behind President Lincoln’s theater box where he, like the cowardly Democrat he was, shot America’s president in the back of his head.

May God protect President Trump from these evil corrupt Democrats and deliver President Trump as our 47th president in spite of this Luciferian illegal treachery of a political assassination!

If the American People in a legal and fair election don’t want President Trump as our next president, they will demonstate their judgment—not in a stinking corrupt New York court room—but at the polls in November!

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
April 15, 2024