The logic being advanced by white American Communists (Democrats) and their brain dead indoctrinated children committing violence on campuses and cities across the country—understand that taken to its logical conclusion—they are calling for the “death to native Americans.”

I’m just going to say right up front. When indoctrinated Americans take up the Muslim chant “from the river to the sea”; we need to ask them if they mean, “from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic? or from the Mississippi River to the Pacific? or both?” And immediately after asking them that; ask them why they believe that “native Americans should be put to death? or driven from their land?”

They probably will not have the critical thinking skills to understanding that in the same way that native Americans represent the oldest rightful People of the United States . . . so likewise the Hebrew nation have been the rightful People of the state of Israel for more than 4,000 years. So when ignorant white American college students and Democrats take up their chants of “death to America” and “death to Israel,” their logic of hatred is really to slaughter the native populations of Americans also.

Israel never abandoned their ancient homeland! They were scattered to the four corners of the world against their will.

The United Nations did not give the ancient home of Israel back to the Jewish People. The world, manifest in the United Nations in 1948 recognized that the Jewish People had a moral right to return to their homes; and the nations of the world recognized that civilized nations had a responsibility to honor the moral right of the Jewish People to return and be safe in the land they were brutally driven from.

Israel attacked no one; but over and over since 1948, Israel’s Muslim neighbors have attacked Israel because of their anti-Jewish racism. The People of Israel did nothing to be attacked.

The Muslim nations have consistently over the years since 1948 breathed out only hatred and death to the Jewish People—and now are joined by America’s government and the racist hatred against the Jewish People inspired by Democrats and educators to drive a new generation of jihadists to seek to drive Israel again from their homeland that God Almighty established for them.

The racist Muslims attacked Israel on October 7th; not the other way around. Israel should defend themselves and the United States People must NOT give aid to Israel’s enemies. All who take up the cause of destroying the Jewish People are not fighting the Jewish People; but rather, they are fighting against Almighty God Himself who will defeat all of Israel’s enemies. Let us never pretend we have a roll in fighting against God’s People. Be forewarned!

So, when you hear Left-Wingers calling for “death” to the home and claim on native Americans—and all whose roots are deep in American soil—Native Americans and all whose home is America the land many of every race have defended and kept free, and “death” to the Jewish People and Israel; ask them if they learned their racism and hatred from Marx, from their professors, from their racist parents, or the modern day Communist Democrat Party?

CPT (Ret.) Terry M. Hestilow, U.S. Army

April 24, 2024

One thought on “The logic being advanced by white American Communists (Democrats) and their brain dead indoctrinated children committing violence on campuses and cities across the country—understand that taken to its logical conclusion—they are calling for the “death to native Americans.”

  1. Read a report the other day that says the current generation is a failure. And guess who they blame ? OLD, WHITE, MALES !!!!

    I am growing very tired of all of this.


    Homer A. Middleton 658 county road 4145 Crockett, Texas 75835 cell 817 648 5090

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