Forty-four years of an American holocaust: and the so-called “women’s march” of January 21, 2017.

Forty-four years of an American holocaust: and the so-called “women’s march” of January 21, 2017.
I was very impressed by the crowds of women, and their male counterparts, who took their children to the streets of our major cities today to supposedly demonstrate against President Donald Trump and for “women’s rights”. Yes, I was impressed that so many people could cloak themselves with the blood of more than 60 million innocent children that have been slaughtered by average American citizens with the protecting cover of law in our country. I was impressed, and grieved, with their slavish devotion to the idea that they could sacrifice so many million children–many times more than the multiplied murders of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945–on the altars of their own Party’s gods. Indeed, what they were parading to boast before the God of heaven and earth, today, was nothing less than contempt for human life and the God who creates it.
I was impressed, also, long ago, when the Supreme Allied Commander of the European theater of operations in World War II, General of the Army Dwight Eisenhower, likewise aghast at the depth of human depravity people could descend to when given the cover of an approving government, ordered that the citizens of the cities near the concentration and death camps that the Reich had operated without objection or resistance for all of those years would be forced under Allied military supervision to personally bury the bodies of those who had been slaughtered and left to rot in the camps. In the case of the Germans, I was most pleased to see the citizens being marched to the camps to see and smell and handle the rotting corpses they had believed it was their right to kill. It would never correct the wrong of what had been done. It would never restore a single life taken. But the citizens who could have stopped it in their own country long before the Allies arrived had instead demonstrated in their streets and empowered those who would carry out the slaughter. They deserved death themselves for their crimes, but Ike left the memory of the bodies to be a life-long burden on their conscience as they waited to stand accountable for their corporate crimes before Almighty God.
Human life begins at the moment of conception. It begins when the sperm cell of the father–with half of the genetic material of the new human life–fertilizes the egg cell of the mother containing the other half of the genetic make-up of the new human life. From that moment on, the new life (and no one can say it is not a living entity) is no longer only a cell of either the father or the mother; but rather, it is from that instant a new and genetically unique human individual whose essence will never change until the date of its death. From that moment on it is a living, replicating, growing human individual. It is not a “thing”; but a person.
So, why is it that differences in the pre-born child and those who have survived through birth are seen as justification for slaughtering one child and not another–or all? Is is because it looks different? I thought Liberals believed that the differences between people should not be justification for discriminating against them!
Let’s do a quick test! What is the difference between a pre-born child at six-months gestation and ten minutes prior to its passage through the mother’s birth canal? Is it not that it simply looks different? Is that a reason it should be killed (and killed is the proper term). And, again, what is the difference between what a pre-born child looks like ten minutes before it is born and ten minutes after it is born? Virtually nothing at all! It is of the same essence as when it was conceived and it is still a living human being! And what of the child at ten minutes after birth and ten years of age? It is only its appearance–but not its essence or its humanity. And we can continue this until the child grows up and becomes elderly. Until the time of its death from natural causes it is still of the same essence as it was at the point of its conception! To intervene in its life to kill it is not to exercise a vital right of parenting; but rather, it is horrific act to murder a human being!
Do not be deceived. Justice Harry Blackmun, exercising the same judicial tyranny for a simple majority of the Supreme Court in his “decision” in Roe v. Wade did not redefine human life; and he never made such a claim! What he did in Roe v. Wade, 1973, was the equivalent to what Chief Justice Roger Taney did to all Africans in 1857 in the Dred Scott case in which Taney declared that Africans, free or slave, were not vested with the rights of person-hood under our Constitution or Declaration and could be disposed of however the owner might choose! Blackmun even told the lie that neither science nor the Church had so defined life as beginning at conception! In fact, it was never, questioned before 1973 that life began at conception! But now the Left would falsely claim that murdering their children is now a “woman’s right” rather than the murder of a child!
So, let us be abundantly clear. The idea that a woman has the right to kill their child, or have it killed in a facility designed for that purpose–like the facilities that the Nazis built to kill those that they denied the right to life–at any point from conception until natural death, is not only a heinous lie, but it is one of the darkest and cruelest lies chanted in marches such as those seen across the United States of America today, January 21, 2017.
And let us also be clear about the support of those who profess to represent the Church’s approval of this child sacrifice. The evil of such persons as those who would invoke the Will or the approval of God for the act of slaughtering these tiny innocent human beings cannot be measured. They are as the Pharisees who conspired together with Rome to kill Jesus! Nothing nicer can, or should, be said of them! Their evil emanates from the sewers of hell!
So, whether there is any human accountability that will ever be brought to bear for those who would dare to march in approval of the slaughter of children in America, as Ike required of the citizens in German towns and cities adjacent to the Concentration and Death Camps of Nazi Germany, know this; there will ultimately be a day of judgment when America will fall before God for this slaughter that completely overshadows the crimes of Nazi Germany in comparison if we do not now, with our new President Donald Trump and our new Supreme Court, finally judge our own crimes and stop abortion in our land. The women who are demonstrating in American cities today are up in arms in fear of having their child sacrificing altars torn down by a righteous and awakened national population. It isn’t about “women’s rights” at all!
Tomorrow is January 22nd, the sad anniversary of the legalization of child sacrifice in America through abortion. We have endured forty-four years of legal child slaughter under the banner of “women’s rights”. Let us set a new course of honesty and repentance for our past crimes of allowing more than sixty million children to be murdered in no less a gruesome way as the Germans killed their victims from 1933-1945, or the KKK did to kill their victims. Let set a new determined course to work together with President Trump to stop our national horror and end abortion in America!
Never forget!
CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret. , Fort Worth

What is the essence of life?

What is the essence of life?

What determines the essential value of a human life? Is not any one innocent life as valuable as another?

Several decades ago I studied the German administrative system of killing during the reign of the so-called “Third Reich” (1933-1945). I walked the ground of Dachau and studied such works as “A Sign for Cain: An Exploration of Human Violence” by Fredric Wertham, M.D., (Macmillan Co., N.Y., 1966). I don’t present the following for shock, but for deliberate thought about this continuing issue.

In writing about the varied methods used to kill in the camps (and here we are not only talking about the camps specifically designed for death, but all types of camps used throughout the Reich), Wertham speaks of the “inclusion of children” in the killing. He wrote,

“One aspect of the administrative mass murders was the inclusion of children. This fact has been generally soft-pedaled and is little mentioned. This is an omission which helps to obscure the whole picture of the violence of our time. It has been estimated that about 1,500,000 children were killed, ranging in age from infancy up. Many of them were asphyxiated in gas ovens. The expression generally used for this procedure was ‘chasing the children up the chimney.’ The child phase of the mass murders had three features. First, it was carried out with the greatest brutality. Second, it was not a matter of individual excesses (although that happened often too, especially for sexual reasons), but was part of the routine and a regular constituent of policy and strategy mapped out at the desks of highly placed officials. Third, it was not carried out only by the SS; ordinary people did it as well. Painful medical experiments that often led to death were also carried out on children by physicians.

“We can best imagine the official attitude toward children in concentration camps from a scene that took place in Auschwitz. A young child walked straight through the camp. Around his neck was hung on a string a placard with his name on it in big letters. That was most unusual. Why was he wearing it? He was the son of the camp leader, Aumeier, on his way to visit his father, and if he had not worn such a sign he might have been snatched up on the spot and tossed into one of the gas ovens” (pp 138-139).

Why is this passage pertinent to the questions asked at the beginning of this post? What determined the essential value of children in Nazi Germany was the State, not the humanity of the child. In Nazi Germany, when compared with other children in, or around, the camp, the innocent nature of the human child did not determine their value. Instead, the value of the child was in his relationship to the State. In this case, the child’s father’s status determined his value. If the child had had Jewish parents, or Gypsy parents, or even Christian parents he would have had no protections and his life could have been lost not because he did not want to live, nor that his body was not important to himself; but his life would have fallen into the hands of some adult paid to throw him into a crematory oven!

Why do I ask this today? Because I pray that Americans can still care. Because this became the norm in the Third Reich’s sphere of control because the people learned to either not care at all about the true essential value of a human life, or they became capable of compartmentalizing people into the disposable and the non-disposable predicated upon the laws of a corrupted State.

As hard as this is to say–again–but the United States are as guilty as the Third Reich in each and every case where a child has been essentially tossed into the abortionist’s oven! The United States of America, since the 1973 Roe v Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court has made what Wertham spoke of in Third Reich concentration camps the norm for not 1.5 million children, but well over 60 million children, who were disposed of by medical authorities on the permission of the mothers with the protection of the State (like the Nazis protected the operators of the killing factories of the Third Reich).

In Nazi German the law was settled–until United States military forces intervened and stopped it and then forced the German citizens to see what they had sponsored in their cooperation with the Reich! Americans might also think that the slaughter of the innocent children in the womb is “settled law” in the United States; but it is not settled for those of us who understand the real value of human life–all human life! I present this article so that moral and good Americans might perhaps for the first time since 1973 recognize that the child in the photo no more deserved to be thrown into a gas oven than any child deserves to be crushed, burned, poisoned, or brutalized to death in their mother’s wombs. I present this article to expose the callousness of the justifications (including rape and incest) and the essential injustice of American law concerning innocent pre-born life who have been marked for death in America by a system that devalues them from conception.

The day has come for Americans to refuse to accept the evil of abortion to continue in our nation. Let us never accept the lie that killing pre-born children can be accepted in our nation as “settled law”; and let us determine to stand with our new president and demand that he remain true and faithful to nominate only truly pro-life judges to the federal courts and justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Indeed, let us return to our founding principle that all human life is absolutely created equal and deserves the protection of the State!

CPT  Terry  Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret.
Fort Worth, Texas
January 4, 2017