Forty-four years of an American holocaust: and the so-called “women’s march” of January 21, 2017.

Forty-four years of an American holocaust: and the so-called “women’s march” of January 21, 2017.
I was very impressed by the crowds of women, and their male counterparts, who took their children to the streets of our major cities today to supposedly demonstrate against President Donald Trump and for “women’s rights”. Yes, I was impressed that so many people could cloak themselves with the blood of more than 60 million innocent children that have been slaughtered by average American citizens with the protecting cover of law in our country. I was impressed, and grieved, with their slavish devotion to the idea that they could sacrifice so many million children–many times more than the multiplied murders of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945–on the altars of their own Party’s gods. Indeed, what they were parading to boast before the God of heaven and earth, today, was nothing less than contempt for human life and the God who creates it.
I was impressed, also, long ago, when the Supreme Allied Commander of the European theater of operations in World War II, General of the Army Dwight Eisenhower, likewise aghast at the depth of human depravity people could descend to when given the cover of an approving government, ordered that the citizens of the cities near the concentration and death camps that the Reich had operated without objection or resistance for all of those years would be forced under Allied military supervision to personally bury the bodies of those who had been slaughtered and left to rot in the camps. In the case of the Germans, I was most pleased to see the citizens being marched to the camps to see and smell and handle the rotting corpses they had believed it was their right to kill. It would never correct the wrong of what had been done. It would never restore a single life taken. But the citizens who could have stopped it in their own country long before the Allies arrived had instead demonstrated in their streets and empowered those who would carry out the slaughter. They deserved death themselves for their crimes, but Ike left the memory of the bodies to be a life-long burden on their conscience as they waited to stand accountable for their corporate crimes before Almighty God.
Human life begins at the moment of conception. It begins when the sperm cell of the father–with half of the genetic material of the new human life–fertilizes the egg cell of the mother containing the other half of the genetic make-up of the new human life. From that moment on, the new life (and no one can say it is not a living entity) is no longer only a cell of either the father or the mother; but rather, it is from that instant a new and genetically unique human individual whose essence will never change until the date of its death. From that moment on it is a living, replicating, growing human individual. It is not a “thing”; but a person.
So, why is it that differences in the pre-born child and those who have survived through birth are seen as justification for slaughtering one child and not another–or all? Is is because it looks different? I thought Liberals believed that the differences between people should not be justification for discriminating against them!
Let’s do a quick test! What is the difference between a pre-born child at six-months gestation and ten minutes prior to its passage through the mother’s birth canal? Is it not that it simply looks different? Is that a reason it should be killed (and killed is the proper term). And, again, what is the difference between what a pre-born child looks like ten minutes before it is born and ten minutes after it is born? Virtually nothing at all! It is of the same essence as when it was conceived and it is still a living human being! And what of the child at ten minutes after birth and ten years of age? It is only its appearance–but not its essence or its humanity. And we can continue this until the child grows up and becomes elderly. Until the time of its death from natural causes it is still of the same essence as it was at the point of its conception! To intervene in its life to kill it is not to exercise a vital right of parenting; but rather, it is horrific act to murder a human being!
Do not be deceived. Justice Harry Blackmun, exercising the same judicial tyranny for a simple majority of the Supreme Court in his “decision” in Roe v. Wade did not redefine human life; and he never made such a claim! What he did in Roe v. Wade, 1973, was the equivalent to what Chief Justice Roger Taney did to all Africans in 1857 in the Dred Scott case in which Taney declared that Africans, free or slave, were not vested with the rights of person-hood under our Constitution or Declaration and could be disposed of however the owner might choose! Blackmun even told the lie that neither science nor the Church had so defined life as beginning at conception! In fact, it was never, questioned before 1973 that life began at conception! But now the Left would falsely claim that murdering their children is now a “woman’s right” rather than the murder of a child!
So, let us be abundantly clear. The idea that a woman has the right to kill their child, or have it killed in a facility designed for that purpose–like the facilities that the Nazis built to kill those that they denied the right to life–at any point from conception until natural death, is not only a heinous lie, but it is one of the darkest and cruelest lies chanted in marches such as those seen across the United States of America today, January 21, 2017.
And let us also be clear about the support of those who profess to represent the Church’s approval of this child sacrifice. The evil of such persons as those who would invoke the Will or the approval of God for the act of slaughtering these tiny innocent human beings cannot be measured. They are as the Pharisees who conspired together with Rome to kill Jesus! Nothing nicer can, or should, be said of them! Their evil emanates from the sewers of hell!
So, whether there is any human accountability that will ever be brought to bear for those who would dare to march in approval of the slaughter of children in America, as Ike required of the citizens in German towns and cities adjacent to the Concentration and Death Camps of Nazi Germany, know this; there will ultimately be a day of judgment when America will fall before God for this slaughter that completely overshadows the crimes of Nazi Germany in comparison if we do not now, with our new President Donald Trump and our new Supreme Court, finally judge our own crimes and stop abortion in our land. The women who are demonstrating in American cities today are up in arms in fear of having their child sacrificing altars torn down by a righteous and awakened national population. It isn’t about “women’s rights” at all!
Tomorrow is January 22nd, the sad anniversary of the legalization of child sacrifice in America through abortion. We have endured forty-four years of legal child slaughter under the banner of “women’s rights”. Let us set a new course of honesty and repentance for our past crimes of allowing more than sixty million children to be murdered in no less a gruesome way as the Germans killed their victims from 1933-1945, or the KKK did to kill their victims. Let set a new determined course to work together with President Trump to stop our national horror and end abortion in America!
Never forget!
CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret. , Fort Worth

Time to Stop the Anti-Christian Command Religious Bigotry in today’s Military!

Last week the commanding general, Ft. Riley, Kansas, cancelled the traditional post prayer breakfast because of supposed legal threats from a rogue atheist group headed by Mikey Winestein.  CPT (Ret.) Hestilow discusses the historic and Constitutional requirement that Americans have always insisted upon for our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen and Coast Guardmen to be able to practice their faith while serving in our military, and challenges the American people to demand that Constitutional right and freedom be restored to our service personnel without hesitation.  CPT Hestilow dares Mikey Winestein and his organization to try the same tactics with Muslims and see how far he gets!

Tear the boards off the military chapels and run commanders that would obstruct service members from practicing their Christian faith out of service!  Free the chapels now!

The True Treasure of Memorial Day

Most Americans that have a true historic understanding of the origin of Memorial Day recognize that it is a day of commemoration of those Americans who have given their lives on the worldIMG_0334‘s battlefields for the hope of Liberty for those who survived the wars, and the citizens who would live in the shadows and aftermath of those wars.

Some less attentive or poorly educated, think it simply another day chosen to recognize military members generally; or, of a fine day for Spring sales in stores.  To them, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Armed Forces Day all celebrate basically the same thing; and to the Liberal, all are meaningless celebrations of war.

Then, there are those who lose the human element entirely.  To them, Memorial Day, while recognizing the human toll paid for our freedoms, are more inclined to lament the cost of war in terms of coin and wealth.

Truth be told, the real measure of value of Memorial Day cannot be measured in counting the headstones of those killed in combat, nor the money appropriated by Congress to fight our wars.  We can only begin to measure its cost when we understand the true sacrifice we have altogether paid for freedom in the great number of families that we will never be able to know who might have come from those who gave their lives on the battlefields that we have been forced upon to fight.

Think of the multiplied losses.  For each service member killed in action the loss was not just an addition of nameless numbers and statistics; but were instead real men and women with personality, hopes, desires, and loves.  They were not just sons and daughters, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  No!  They were each far more!  They were potential fathers and mothers themselves of generations of Americans that we can never ever know–because those generations were never born!  And for each family lost because a father or mother never returned from war, we must realize that we have lost a significant measure of what we might have been as a nation had we not been forced to lose the multiplied value of each of their lives, their vitality, their personality, and their productive capacity building greater strength into our country.  To begin to grasp the true National Treasure we have paid we must begin to see the population of America now buried beneath the headstone of each single American “killed in combat” for Liberty’s preservation!

And the calculation must yet continue!  How many of these Americans lost to combat, their potential sons, daughters, and grandchildren, had their parents survived battling the tyrant’s assault on our nation’s security, gone on to become the physicians and researchers who might have found the cures to the diseases that ravage today’s population?  In this loss consider not only the magnification of generational diseases we witness among us today, but consider also the loss of the multiplied strength of the gene pool sacrificed as the strongest and healthiest of our countrymen marched off to war–some never to return again.

And so it is in every area of life!  The best of what America could have been today is only the shadow of what might have been if our fellow countrymen could have been born and added their productive capacity–if only their parents not been laid low by the necessity of war!

Yes, there is also the financial and industrial losses we have suffered.  Each community of potential Americans lost in a single service member killed in freedom’s defense would have added immeasurably to our nation’s cumulative productivity, wealth, knowledge, and strength.

But what meaning is to be taken from all of this?  Are we to believe that the need to sacrifice our true wealth in war is only an illusion; or, are we to grasp that for a people to truly be free, there is a valid and true cost of Liberty that must necessarily be paid by some in the community today that will compound into future generations?

The right to live under our Constitution is indeed worth the cost to defeat tyrants wherever they may rise and at whatever cost may be demanded of us!  True enough it is that Americans must not rush into war, nor have we done so in the past.  But when we have come to the conclusion that reason exists to commit our military forces into combat we must take close care that we refuse to listen to the voices that would weaken our resolve or to eventually abandon and discount our reason to win the fight–or to dishonor the blood and families sacrificed in the first instance because we lack the will to continue a just cause!

Remember this, America, we must always count those who would quit our commitment to win our wars both as enemies and as unworthy, regardless of citizenship, to stand in the warm memory of those who have given their lives–and futures–for our freedom!  They are but ungrateful vagarants preferring to live off of the grace of our greatest Americans thinking that no cost, even slavery to tyrants, is worthy of their lives.

And so, this Memorial Day, let us consider not just the lost, fallen in combat, and the magnificent families who would live among us today as brothers and sisters had the cost of Liberty not been demanded of their parents.  Let us consider what they believed was worthy of such a sacrifice–The Constitution of the United States, and America’s way of life, is indeed worthy of our integrity with their sacrifice!  Indeed, they died defending the Constitution against foreign enemies never believing that the “domestic” enemy would be found within our shores to threaten their families later in life.  But that day has arrived!

Be careful to always remember that they did not give up their lives–and the lives of the children they would have loved–for an America that would allow the Constitution to be pulled down and trodden underfoot by the likes of five liberal judges who would use their judicial power to illegally change the meaning of the Constitution from the Bench by judicial fiat!  They did not die that in America judges could emulate a mad and evil Nazi tyrant and learn to entice Americans to practice child sacrifice as a right!  They did not die so that the federal government could wage a domestic war on moral decency in America!  They did not die that the federal government could wage a religious war upon their Christian faith, preferring instead the Muslim religion of hatred and terror!  They did not die so that the institution of “family” could be replaced by the communist ideal of socialist realignment!  They did not die to have the historic meaning of “marriage” redefined by five lawyers to be anything desired by a perverse people against the determined intent of the people of the States and ultimately to mean nothing at all!  And they did not die to purchase the right of deranged and perverted men and women who would deny their own biology to force the rest of the nation to allow such deviants to bathe with our sons and daughters!

This Memorial Day we have a responsibility to remember and honor the sacrifice of our heroes, and, if needed, be prepared to give our own lives as well, with our wealth and reputations too, to defend, with them, our Constitution and American way of life!  We owe it to them and to the families they would have had as well as our own, to stand firm and unflinching to elect only to office those forsworn to defend and preserve our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, inside our government, and out, the way it was written and handed down to us.  We owe it to them, and to our own children, to refuse to allow any president to nominate another judge to the Supreme Court, like Barack Hussein Obama, that would take license to illegally change the Constitution to redefine it in any way, or to attempt to change its understood effect or rob us of our Rights!

If we are to be worthy to remember–and honor–the multiplied sacrifice of those who died fighting for America this Memorial Day, we must commit to be willing to die–and vote–only for those who will return the U.S. Supreme Court to a proper understanding of the sphere of their role in government under the Constitution.  They must understand that they do not stand above the Constitution, to control how it is to consequently be understood; but rather, in every way to sit subject to the authority of the document, below it, to hear it as it speaks without modification by their political intents!

Let us, then, be faithful stewards of the sacrifice of those who have died for America, and specifically for a Constitutional America.  Let us be faithful stewards of the Constitution they handed to us with bloody hands about to die so that we might continue to lift it up and to live in the Liberty our forefathers initially gave us.

Let us be faithful this Memorial Day–to them and to the Constitution!


~Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired, Memorial Day, 2016

Why Eric Fanning was made Secretary of the Army.

Morning brief, Wednesday, May 18, 2016.  Why Eric Fanning was nominated to be Secretary of the Army by President Obama and what the Left has been doing to destroy the U.S. armed forces as a military force for good; but instead, as a vehicle to pervert and destroy the moral foundations of the nation.

The fall of the US and the judgment that has begun.

Most of my writing has been of no more than 140 characters of recent.  I have become too used to using confusing tools to shorten messages while still trying to communicate a sound rational message.  I will continue to do that on Twitter (@THestilow); but I must return to my love of real writing here on my blog (and maybe soon Vlog).

Tonight, though, I want to send a clear and unmistakable message to any and all who might take the time to read this posting.  I want to make clear my true assessment of what has come of our once great nation; and what every person, believer in Jesus Christ or not, will see coming on not only the United States of America without hesitation or fail, and what it will certainly mean as this judgment begins to come upon this nation and the world.  This will not be in any way comprehensive in detail; but rather, short, as a prelude to more extensive articles that I will continue to write for as long as I am alive and continue to have the resources to write with.

First, I want to tell the community of perversion that I recognize that they have won.  They might have won much sooner, but it is now very clear that they have won decisively their conquest to destroy the US Constitution and the moral foundations of the United States.  This was clear back in June, 2015, when, in Obergefell v Hodges (same-sex marriage ruling) Justice Anthony Kennedy joined and led the demonic four other anti-Constitution Justices of the US Supreme Court in striking down the cornerstone of civilization–marriage in the United States.  Today the term is meaningless for there can be no more rational limitations on what it may include.

Never mind that the Justices had not an ounce of legal authority to do what they did.  They did their deed before all the world and dared anyone to point out their lawlessness and tyranny.

And like the slavish subjects we have become to terrorism and lawlessness and perversion, no one in Congress mounted the slightest objection to this nuclear strike upon America.

Never mind that the US Constitution provides every legal remedy to amend the Constitution in its own Article V; and never mentions “Judicial fiat” once!

No! The lawless five Justices, led by Kennedy, pulled down the Constitution, cut it to ribbons, stood on it with their filthy feet and dared anyone to oppose them!  And like the slugs Americans have become, they said that the “Court has ruled and we must accept it and move forward” (Thank you, Gov. John Kasich).

Never mind that the process of amending the Constitution has been used many times in the past via provisions found only in Article V!  You in the Democrat, Socialist, Communist, Deviant community, joined by the Republican Party, could not take the chance that your reorientation program in public education might fail to produce the Constitution’s downfall!  So, you had to have Judicial tyranny!

And why was that so important?  It was important because perversion of America’s military and schools was not enough!  As long as the Constitution remained above the federal government the People of America could have a choice–and make a choice you could not risk them to keep on their own!  The Tenth Amendment could not be allowed to stand!

Today, you know that you have your tyrannical Supreme Court and can strike down the rest of the individual rights provided in the Bill of Rights as soon as either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is sworn into office (as long as it isn’t Ted Cruz).

But now you have won the last real battle.  Now, like the sexual deviants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19) who sought to break down Lot’s door to abuse the angels sent by God, they thought that if they could only rape the Angels, then God and the rest of civilized mankind would have to accept them!

In their blindness they continued to grope and grope for the door to Lot’s house–the only remaining righteous house in Sodom–but they never found it throughout the night!  But then, with the dawning of the day, and upon God’s removal of His people from the city doomed by the evilness of the Sodomites who refused to repent, demanding instead that the world conform to their deviance and accept them as “equal” of all chosen lifestyles, God sent fire and brimstone to kill and destroy Sodom and Gomorrah!

And now, today, in a blindness that has over-swept much of America, the sexual deviants are now demanding that we open the doors of our public restrooms to them to commit before the world their immorality and to force us to feign approval to their acts!

Yes!  I am saying that judgment is once again behind the door and once we allow the Sodomites, the sexual-perverts to break down the doors of moral restraint–which today are the doors of the public restrooms–there awaits us no more hesitation of God’s judgments to finally destroy the United States of America.  Judgment comes in the morning!

And why is it so important to the sexual deviants that they have their way?  They have already rendered “marriage” in America meaningless as an institution!  The restroom doors remain the last public claim to moral decency.  They believe that if they can break down the doors to public restrooms in America then they can finally finish the Constitution and rule by Executive and Judicial tyranny.  If they can break down these doors there will be no door in the world that they cannot break down and they believe, like the Sodomites of Genesis 19, that they will have overcome God Himself!

But what they do not understand is their blindness.  God is not America!  If they tear down ever brick of America’s history and the blessings we have been in the world, God is not defeated!

If they shred the United States Constitution, God’s Word is not made powerless, and no Court of man rises above it!  In their great victory over the United States of America they have, in the end, nothing of substance in which to boast!  Their victory is, instead, like rice paper before the raging anger of God’s judgment fire!

Second Thessalonians, chapter 2, verses 7 thru 12, speaks to this day.  The Apostle Paul says,

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:  only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken our of the way [and this is a reference to the withholding work of the Church until it is removed or slaughtered].

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth [His Word that is far above man’s reach to pull down], and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming [for the dark deeds of those who seek America’s destruction cannot withstand exposure to the Light of God]:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Do not be deceived, America!  There may yet be an opportunity if only we, like Nineveh of old, to whom Jonah was sent to preach repentance, might finally awaken, repent, and reject this evil that we have until now embraced!  Nineveh repented and God withheld His final judgment upon them.  Sodom and Gomorrah refused to repent and were destroyed in a morning!

What will we decide that God should do–if, indeed, He has still allowed that there is an opportunity for America to survive His coming deserved judgment and destruction?

As for me?  Like Dr. Deitrich Bonhoffer who was hanged in April 1945 for standing faithfully for God and against the Nazi devils, I know that they will kill me too, if God does not take me home first.

But I do not fear that day.  For me it is only the beginning of forever, restored with my family that has gone before me and my God who loves me enough to die for me while I was yet his enemy in sin.

For those who do the killing, however, and those who have destroyed God’s gift of America to the world in order that they might pretend they have overcome God’s moral restraint over them, it is a beginning too–of eternal isolation, loneliness, misery, fear, of being lost forever, and of a death and agony that never ends and never offers a moment of hope of relief from their earned agony.

The Sodomites and Communists (Democrats-Liberals), the so-called “LGBTQ community” may think that they have a victory of some sort to celebrate today, and indeed, they are the Nicolaitanes (Men who seem victorious over the people) of Revelation.  They have defeated the United States of America; but no congratulations are in order.  They have only won their final judgment and condemnation to Hell.

Prepare now, those who still have eyes to see, for the judgment that is all but absolutely certain.  If you thought HIV/AIDS was bad, wait for the diseases that are preparing to overtake our nation, for the chaos and calamity that will utterly destroy our economy, for the wars and civil wars–ethnos against ethnos–and the natural disasters that are only being withheld for a few more mornings–perhaps.

I will be writing more if God permits.  Keep looking up for God’s salvation of the righteous, and his judgment on Jezebel, the State, and all who lie down with the whore and depend upon her for their future.

Jesus said unto them, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father, except by me.”

You’d better understand that Word clearly.  Jesus said an exclusive Word about himself!

He did not say, “I know the way!”  He said, “I AM the way!”

He did not say, “I know the truth!”  He said, “I AM the Truth!”

He did not say, “I know about life!” He said, “I AM the life!”

And He did not say, “I am one of the many ways to God the Father!”  He said, “I AM the exclusive and only way to the Father!”

Judgment is coming now!  Are you trusting the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross as the sole basis for your reconciliation with God?  If not?  Don’t let the morning light come upon your unrepentant heart!  It might well be too late!

Copyright (c) Terry M. Hestilow, 2016.

Changes to my page and routine.

Some of you may remember me from my Facebook page, Terry Michael Hestilow.  If you do, and are one of the friends or followers from that page who kept up with my articles and shorter comments, you will have noticed that coming to this blog page I have not written as often and my writing here has been of the nature of the full articles without the shorter timely comments on the issues of the day.  This is due in part to my assumption of the joyful duties of caring for my wonderful grandson (who turns one year old in two

Captain T. M. Hestilow, United States Army, Ret.
days) most days of the week allowing my daughter and son-in-law to work and save money without having to pay strangers to care for their son.  But it is also because I have tended to reserve this page for my longer works.  I was wrong.  I have been remiss in providing the consistent level of responsible and timely articles, long and short, that address the issues you and I face today and that you used to depend upon me to provide you when I was still allowed on Facebook.  Forgive me.

To correct my delinquency I have decided to write more often, hopefully on a daily basis, to address the issues of life, politics, national security, international affairs, provide sold recommended reading, and write concerning critical issues of values, morality, ethics, and, yes, theology and Christian living.  It may appear random at times, but I hope that it will help you to understand the threats to you, your family, and our nation, and how you may address those areas in your own lives as citizens day by day into the future.  If we all pull together, and are brave and faithful, it could be the difference in the very survival of our nation, and afford us the opportunity for the greatest hope of a spiritual awakening and revival throughout the land that we have ever witnessed in the United States of America.  Indeed, it is not too much to hope, I think, that perhaps such an awakening and revival might please God to withhold His physical judgment against the United States for our rebellion against Him, as demonstrated in the redemption of the nation of Nineveh in Jonah’s day against the alternative example of Sodom (Genesis 19).

As always, while I copyright all of my material to protect against arbitrary unauthorized changes to my words that might alter the intent and the meaning of my work, you are always welcome to write your introductions to my work in your own comment section of your social media site to introduce my work by title and either provide the simple link: (most recommended) which will immediately take your friends or followers to this page, or copy and paste my work directly to your own page (however, formatting issues might complicate such posting of my material directly to your page and the direct posting of my material on your page may attract the ire of your controlling social media site–especially Facebook who blocked me as punishment for my political speech–censorship).  Best idea is to simply recommend the material, provide the title, and post the link: and avoid the Facebook gestapo.

God bless you.  I hope you continue to enjoy my work.  Let us all continue to fight to keep the United States of America the great and free nation our founders bequeathed to us–if we can keep it–in 1776.



NASA scientists are jumping to a false conclusion in the icy shadows on Mercury.

How exciting!  NASA has discovered that there is ice in the shadows of the planet Mercury!

We are told that on the surface of Mercury temperatures can range, according to NASA scientists, 1,100 degrees within a range of ten feet.  But their logic, and the flights of scientific imagination on the meaning such findings may offer pertaining to the origins of life, is desperately flawed.

Because the “Big Bang Theory” and “Darwin’s Theory of Evolution” have decisively crashed into an unyielding wall here on earth (the irreducible complexity of the cell) scientists who reject the interaction of a Creator God are now having to search the universe to find other possible scenarios to validate their godless explanations for the origins of life.  Grasping into the unsearchable recesses of the eternally icy craters and shadows of Mercury they suggest that this new discovery (ice in Mercury’s craters) may lead to evidence that “organic” material could have traveled through space and been eternally frozen in the frigid shadows of craters that are never exposed to the sun (no atmosphere).

Why is that important?  Well, they suppose, organic material could have likewise traveled through space to earth (which has an atmosphere) in the same way and subsequently (because the earth’s atmosphere was not as hostile) developed into life.

What is wrong with that theory?  It still does not answer the fundamental question of where original substance came from.

According to the “Big Bang” theory, all matter was thrown outward into space from an “infinitely small point in space” (translation, a point of infinite emptiness). [Put on your thinking cap here.]  Have you ever seen a demonstration of nothingness exploding?  Has there ever been a demonstration … hard evidence … that complete emptiness has ever come under so much pressure in a complete vacuum (where nothing exists) that the emptiness has exploded producing material that did not exist before the explosion?

Essentially, those who deny that all things came into being by the positive creative acts and determination of a Creator God, remain faced with the same impossible question, “Where and how did the first substance come into existence if, by their own “Big Bang Theory,” they can’t explain where the original substance came from (kind of circular thinking, no?).

“Faith” is defined as the “substance” of things “hoped for,” the “evidence” of “things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).  NASA, and atheist scientists can point to literally no “substance” to explain what they “hope for”; but, people of religious faith point to the Bible, to history, to personal experience, and to genuine science (that does not exclude “Intelligent Design”) the “substance” available for all to see, feel, touch, and experience … the earth, the sky, the seas, and the universe … as the “evidence” of the Creator God in whom we have “hope” in Christ (that would be Jesus of Nazareth and NOT Obama or Allah) even when we cannot “see” Him.  Think about it. NASA and atheistic scientists … along with public school teachers … have told you something that they cannot demonstrate with a single atom of substance exploding from an infinitely small point of emptiness.

Be honest.  Does It not really take vastly more “faith” to believe that all matter in the universe was produced out of an “infinitely small point in space” where absolutely nothing existed (otherwise you still have to explain where the “something” in the point of origin came from … and the source of pressure impinging on that infinitely small material came from in the first place) than to believe that God is indeed the Creator who ordained its existence?

The science of Mercury is fascinating and should be studies for all the new information it will yield; but, take it for what it is … which in no way supports the atheistic arguments of the “Big Bang” or “Darwinian Evolution.”

Real science is a product of Christian faith developed on the basis of the Judeo-Christian world view that all things exist and have their order according to plan rather than irrational chaos in the universe (check history).  What NASA, atheistic scientists, public school teachers, and political liberals (who believe government must be god) are teaching requires an irrational leap of blind faith (the “Big Bang” in which your substantive brain explodes into emptiness).  Judaism and Christianity calls for a rational faith connected with history and science.  Think about this today, and (if you have not done so yet) accept the gift of reconciliation with God for your rebellion through the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross, in space and time for you, this Christmas season (if you do not understand this, I recommend you meet with an evangelical pastor in your area).

Merry Christmas!
