From one Trump supporter to another, “Jeff Sessions has a job to do, or the President is right to relieve him.”

From one Trump supporter to another, “Jeff Sessions has a job to do, or the President is right to relieve him.”

I was not in on any of the President’s briefs with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, so I am going to come at this from a place of common sense. Let me begin by saying that I have never had a job in my life where I was not accountable–mostly in the military. While U.S. military leaders are encouraged to take initiative on the battlefield, they are never granted the freedom to do whatever they want without conforming their actions on the concept of battle that their commander has given them. We don’t go fight wars on our own. Never!

So why am I talking about combat, the commander’s intent and the leader’s initiative in a post about the current conflict between the president and his attorney general? I use that metaphor because there is a very real “commander-subordinate” relationship between the two that is only being given lip-service in nearly all of the reports we are hearing in the media and the American people are being deceived and confused on the issues.

When President Trump nominated, then, Senator Jeff Sessions to become a member of the Executive Branch of government as the United States Attorney General, it was not so that Jeff Sessions could go off on his own and act independently without consulting with his boss, the Commander, the President of the United States. That means, for those confused by the Obama media, Democrats, and Never Trumpers in the Congress, that Jeff Sessions did not report to the People of Alabama anymore (directly), he reported to President Trump! He had an obligation to bring to the President issues that he was facing and decisions that he would be making before he made those decisions public (like recusing himself from the so-called “Russia Investigation” or more properly called the “Witch Hunt”). When President Trump nominated Jeff Sessions to be his (and the proper relationship is “his”) Attorney General, Jeff Sessions’ first obligation and responsibility was to consult with the president, advise the president, and make sure that he was acting, as Attorney General, in accordance with the concept of the operations under the President of the United States! And that has never changed!

President Trump is completely correct in being frustrated with the man to whom he entrusted with the office of Attorney General. The Attorney General has acted as though he is unaccountable and independent of the President. Nothing could be further from the truth! Jeff Sessions did not have the right to recuse himself from any of his responsibilities independently and without making certain that his actions were consistent with President Trump’s battle plan. If he could not live with that, then he should have remained an Alabama Senator. So the next time someone says that Jeff Sessions was right in recusing himself without regard to the input of the President, they are trying to clothe themselves in the current epidemic of Establishment politics and not the truth of the relationship between the President and his Attorney General. Sessions was not appointed to be a “place holder” in the Executive Branch! He has a job to do! He needs to get on it! He is not a victim of anyone other than his own failures to perform the job he was nominated and confirmed to do!

The other thing that I would like to address is the hub-bub in the media about why President Trump is going after the Attorney General in public. I don’t think anyone other than President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions knows how many times President Trump and Jeff Sessions have talked about the focus of the Attorney General’s office and issues that need to be pursued criminally, such as the Clinton’s and their organized crime syndicate. What I am certain of, simply from a common sense perspective that God gave nearly all patriots (but is decidedly absent from all Liberals), is that President Trump has not spoken openly in interviews, media events, or Twitter, on subjects that he has not previously and privately discussed in detail with his attorney general–his subordinate in the Cabinet. So to all those people horrified that the President is speaking openly in public and writing on Twitter about his frustrations with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, I suspect it is the result of a persistent failure of Jeff Sessions to do the job the President expected him to do and that he has previously commissioned him to do. You and I might cringe at the open criticism of Sessions by his boss, but it tells me two things that the enemy needs to know. First, that the President is giving the Attorney General an opportunity to get on the job before he fires him. It also sets the stage so that the media and the Establishment can’t say that they were blindsided with the dismissal if it is a call the President has to make. Second (and I believe that President holds no ill will toward Sessions), I believe that it should tell people that President Trump is not just going to forget about his battle plans to deal with the enemy. Those who think that they are above the law should truly think again and flee to a country that has no extradition policy with the United States (hear me Obama and Clintons) … because if President Trump will hold his friends and subordinates accountable, he will most definitely hold law breakers and enemies of the State to account for their illegal, unpatriotic and treacherous behaviors.

In the end, the message that I would give to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Democrats, the media, and the Establishment is this … President Trump is the President of the United States. Do your jobs or find a country to hide out in and hope he can’t find you. You might not like the way he does his job; but we do and we are still behind him no matter how you skew your made up fake polls.

With you President Trump! Make America great again! Please!

CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret.
July 25, 2017

Trump got it right when he said that we weren’t so innocent.

Trump got it right when he said that we weren’t so innocent.
The media, the Left, and the Establishment are all up in a lather today about President Donald Trump’s suggestion that bad people don’t just come from Russia! In a typical honest Trump response in an interview with FOXNews’ Bill O’Reilly, when challenged to defend his statement that he “respects” Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Trump responded that Putin’s inclination to kill people might also be found among some of our own countrymen. O’Reilly feigned shock and indignation! To O’Reilly, he believed that President Trump had been caught making one of the worst misstatements in modern history during his interview! You could tell right away that the media (and a host of Establishment elitists) intended to run that statement for all its worth against the President!
For the moment, let us try to forget that President Barack Obama has done far worse than to simply suggest that we have some pretty bad actors in America over the last eight years. I mean, he made a habit of complaining about every sin ever committed by any American over the course of our history to every petty dictator and thug around the world every chance that he got! But let us go ahead and remember just one example of some of the real brutal killing done by some very prominent Americans on order of Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder!
Many people remember that there was a “gun running” operation undertaken almost as soon as the Obama Administration was sworn into office called, “Fast and Furious”. No one was supposed to know that the Executive Branch of the U.S. government (Obama Administration) was involved in forcing legal gun sellers along the U.S. / Mexico border to sell to certain people (that they would not have ordinarily sold the weapons to), so that the weapons could be, supposedly, tracked into Mexico and to the Drug Cartels.
AG Holder’s “Operation Fast and Furious” seemed plausible on the surface as a legitimate law enforcement operation. But that was just for show … until U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was unexpectedly involved in a shoot out that killed him in December 2010 and exposed the operation.
With the death of a U.S. Border agent it became extremely important for the Administration to defend its cover that it was trying to identify narcotics smuggling operations by the Cartels, but that became increasingly more difficult after Terry’s family began suing seven government agents of the ATF and a gun shop owner for negligence and wrongful death in Agent Terry’s killing.
Sadly, most Americans never got the real story on what “Fast and Furious” was all about or why the civilian gun store owners were involved in the operation, and who the President got killed besides Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
“Fast and Furious” was never about tracing illegal gun sales to the Drug Cartels in Mexico. That was all a rouse fabricated by the Obama Administration as an excuse to get U.S. purchased guns–that could be traced back to U.S. civilian gun dealers in the United States–into the hands of Mexican drug Cartels!
Why, you ask, did the Obama Administration seek to place weapons in the hands of Mexican murderers that could then easily be traced back to U.S. gun dealers? It was to create the illusion that the violence being perpetrated by the Cartels against Mexican citizens, government officials, Mexican law enforcement agencies, and the Mexican Army was the product (according to Obama’s planned explanation) of lax gun laws in the United States. That’s right! The primary purpose of “Operation Fast and Furious” had nothing to do with conducting law enforcement operations to stop the Cartels; but rather, to make certain that when Cartel members killed people in Mexico it was done with weapons–intentionally provided through clandestine ATF actors to intermediaries to get the guns into the hands of the Cartel killers– and, the U.S. government could then link the guns to U.S. civilian gun stores and the supposed danger of our flawed Second Amendment. It was a set up!
And how big was the set up? In Mexico, thousands upon thousands of innocent Mexican citizens were caught up daily in turf wars and government corruption shoot outs. Literally thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children in Mexican towns and villages were slaughtered with the guns that AG Holder and President Obama sent to the Cartels for the primary purpose of justifying a planned U.S. Administration campaign to overthrow the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution!
To be sure, neither Barack Obama nor Eric Holder were ever held accountable for their part in the horrible murders committed by Cartel members with guns that the Democrats of the United States placed in their hands. But when you want to become outraged that President Donald Trump could legitimately suggest that there are bad people in the United States that could easily match Vladimir Putin, you should probably look again at the bloody streets of Mexico after Obama and Holder initiated “Fast and Furious”–and rethink your outrage!
It is an outrage that the president and his attorney general escaped accountability for the deaths of these Mexican citizens. One could go so far as to say that racism in the Democrat Party made the Mexican citizens expendable if their murders could help justify the overthrow of the Second Amendment in the United States; but, one U.S. Border Patrol agent’s death exposed enough of the operation that they could never use those thousands as an excuse for stricter gun control laws in the United States. After all, after Terry’s death, it was clear that Justice Department gun running by AG Holder and the ATF, and not failures in U.S. gun laws was the factor in all of the deaths in Mexico and the United States.
As an aside, it would be fair, I think, if we finally arrested Barack Obama and Eric Holder and extradited them both to Mexico–with all of the documentation to prove their cold-blooded involvement and provided all of the evidence of their contributing crimes in the deaths of the Mexican citizens, government political officials, Mexican law enforcement, and Mexican Army members from guns provided to the drug dealers by “Fast and Furious”!
But President Donald Trump didn’t talk about that with Bill O’Reilly and so he is being portrayed as a dunce speaking out against “American Exceptionalism”. What a crock! Well, he didn’t say anything about the lives of Americans and Libyans either; or Syrians, or Clinton involvement in these thousands of deaths.
So when they run that story again about President Trump not insulting “killer” Putin on public television (which no president should do while trying to determine if they can be used to achieve peace), try to remember the thousands of school girls dead in the streets of their villages … with their blood dripping off of Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s fingers. And then recognize that the same media that covered up the slaughters in Mexico are working overtime to make you doubt President Donald Trump.
I trust Trump!
CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret.

“Equal Justice under law must include Hillary Clinton, or it is a fraud upon the People”

I have been, and I will continue to be, a committed supporter of President-elect Donald Trump; but, that said, I will not be hesitant to object when I believe he is making a mistake. Such is the case this morning following the statement by his Senior Advisor, Kellyanne Conway, that he will not pursue charges against Hillary Clinton for her email scandal.

If by that statement he is seeking to purchase good will and unity from those who will remain defiantly opposed to him, his Cabinet, his Judicial nominees, and his policies, he will gain nothing from his enemies but their happy contempt. But, on the other hand, if he pursues this protection of Clinton from legal accountability for her lawlessness, he will instead frustrate his supporters who will feel betrayed in the denial of “equal justice under law” to shield a crooked politician and her criminal organizations in the abuse of her office for personal gain. In my mind such betrayal and misprision of a felon is a dangerous first step for the new president.

In defense of his protection of Clinton from prosecution for her criminal acts it has been suggested that justice came for her on November 8th when she was denied election as President. If that is the bar of justice for her, then are we to believe that for politicians, as contrasted with all other persons subject to our laws, not being elected to political office is equivalent to being convicted and sent to prison for their crimes with no real legal accountability? May that argument never become acceptable to the American People! Let us be absolutely clear that if she is excused and protected from prosecution for acts others are sent to prison for committing, then there is a big slimy hair-ball clogging the drain system of the government swamp that blocks the new President’s real efforts to even begin to “drain the swamp”!

The President-elect is tragically wrong if, indeed, what Kellyanne Conway said reflects the conclusion he has accepted from his Establishment advisors. It will undermine his positive perception as an “outsider” and will forever weaken the rule of law in our nation that, from this day forward in his Administration, falsely claims all Americans stand equal before the bar of justice.

I pray that he will be better advised to let the wheels of justice grind to a proper legal conclusion in this and any tangent cases that might be connected to it. He does not need to take an adversarial role in this or any resulting cases; and, as the true senior law enforcement officer in the land, he should truly remain detached from the process. That means that he should have absolutely no role either way, in conviction or pardoning, in this case that should be fully investigated by law enforcement and, if she or others are charged with crimes, tried by the same courts that any other citizen would be subject to–including any execution of sentence if convicted. The President-elect’s proper responsibilities extend only as far as nominating the Attorney General, federal jurists to the Courts, and then stepping out of Justice’s way.

I believe that you and I must responsibly articulate this same message to President-elect Trump, his advisors, the media, and each other at every opportunity. While, hopefully, we will remain solidly behind President Trump, he needs to know how we really feel about this potential denial of justice to both Hillary Clinton and every other American citizen that values the unique American principle of “equal justice under law”!

CPT (Ret.) Terry Michael Hestilow, USA
Fort Worth, Texas
November 22, 2016

Conflicted Democrats: Throwing LGBT under the bus to protect ISIS.

The Democrat Party just demonstrated their highest priority in the pecking order of special interest groups they adore; and it isn’t the LGBT community this time.  Hoping that no one wGayPride[2]ould notice that they were throwing the community of people who practice homosexual behaviors under the bus to protect the reputation of Muslims among Liberals the Democrats and their sycophant press, they immediately began to report that the Orlando killer (who claimed allegiance to ISIS) was not truly motivated by leadership from the terrorist group, but was instead “conflicted about his sexuality.” They based this conclusion upon reports that he had often been seen in the bar known to serve the Orlando deviant community. So, for Liberals, denying the reality of the shooter’s demonstrated history of sympathy for the ISIS cause was more important than their love for their previously favored political support base–the LGBT community.

For Liberals–Democrats–the shooter was not a terrorist.  For them it was far more reasonable, and necessary, to discount his love for Bakr al Baghdadi and explain away his actions as those of a man confused about his alleged (by the Left) desire to have homosexual relationships than was his love of Islam as Muhammad laid it out!

Poor LGBT community!  Ouch!  Did you just feel those bus tires run you over and smell the diesel exhaust sweep over you from the Obama Transit Authority?

That’s right!  For Democrats–as demonstrated by Attorney General Loretta Lynch who was refusing to release the shooters statements to protect their assertions that he was a sicko who “self-radicalized” (as if his illness and the internet took over and caused him to do this terrible thing) because he was all confused about his “sexual identity.”

But wait!  Doesn’t the “B” in LGBT count for anything anymore?  I thought the people who claim that homosexual behavior is directed by a person’s DNA (genetics) had finally gotten over their discrimination against those who go both ways?  If we believe the “anything goes” philosophy of the LGBT–and the Liberals–there was nothing for the shooter to be “conflicted” about!  So what if he liked to have sex with both men and women?  Clearly his DNA allowed for him to be a “switch-hitter”!  Or was it that he was “conflicted” because he thought his sexual identity went to men, women, and “non-binary” sexual identities (it is really getting hard to keep up with them all)?

And that, friends, is why AG Loretta Lynch is so conflicted about releasing the shooter’s statements.  Being forced to publish the un-redacted version of his statements by a public that would not be told that we can’t be told the truth, Obama, Lynch, and the Libs no longer had any room to keep pushing the lie that he was just a “sexually confused” person no longer able to accept his deviant desires for men.

Instead, his statements to police as he slaughtered people representing just one segment of the “infidel” population hated and marked for slaughter by Islam, left no doubt for rational Americans that the President’s denial of the truth about Islam is causing even his friends to be killed.

It is high time that we, as a nation, pull our heads out of our rears and admit the truth that Donald Trump’s immigration policy for Muslims is long overdue and critical to our survival!  The terrorists are not “confused” about their agenda, and that they are following Muhammad’s teachings to the letter!  They are here among us and they mean to kill us!  Let’s return to become a nation of reason and stop allowing political correctness to kill us one group at a time!

Time to admit that we are at war and the enemy is among us!

“There is no such thing as ‘homophobia’ in America!” and “The truth about the false story of Gen. Dunford’s resignation.”

As the world begins to hear the news accounts of the mass Islamic terror attack against what is reported to have been a popular Orlando night club catering to those in the community who practice homosexual behaviors, it seems as though all of the television reporters are in a new contest to see how many times they can use the word “homophobe” in their broadcasts.  Captain Hestilow explains clearly what, in face, constitutes a ‘phobia’ and explains why the term is being intentionally misused today to deceptively silence opposition viewpoints.

In the second included topic, Captain Hestilow shares a false article containing the supposed resignation speech of General Dunford, U.S. Marine Corps and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; why the speech is true in fact, and why the General should have actually had the courage and integrity to resign for the reasons given in the false statement attributed to him.

The True Treasure of Memorial Day

Most Americans that have a true historic understanding of the origin of Memorial Day recognize that it is a day of commemoration of those Americans who have given their lives on the worldIMG_0334‘s battlefields for the hope of Liberty for those who survived the wars, and the citizens who would live in the shadows and aftermath of those wars.

Some less attentive or poorly educated, think it simply another day chosen to recognize military members generally; or, of a fine day for Spring sales in stores.  To them, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Armed Forces Day all celebrate basically the same thing; and to the Liberal, all are meaningless celebrations of war.

Then, there are those who lose the human element entirely.  To them, Memorial Day, while recognizing the human toll paid for our freedoms, are more inclined to lament the cost of war in terms of coin and wealth.

Truth be told, the real measure of value of Memorial Day cannot be measured in counting the headstones of those killed in combat, nor the money appropriated by Congress to fight our wars.  We can only begin to measure its cost when we understand the true sacrifice we have altogether paid for freedom in the great number of families that we will never be able to know who might have come from those who gave their lives on the battlefields that we have been forced upon to fight.

Think of the multiplied losses.  For each service member killed in action the loss was not just an addition of nameless numbers and statistics; but were instead real men and women with personality, hopes, desires, and loves.  They were not just sons and daughters, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  No!  They were each far more!  They were potential fathers and mothers themselves of generations of Americans that we can never ever know–because those generations were never born!  And for each family lost because a father or mother never returned from war, we must realize that we have lost a significant measure of what we might have been as a nation had we not been forced to lose the multiplied value of each of their lives, their vitality, their personality, and their productive capacity building greater strength into our country.  To begin to grasp the true National Treasure we have paid we must begin to see the population of America now buried beneath the headstone of each single American “killed in combat” for Liberty’s preservation!

And the calculation must yet continue!  How many of these Americans lost to combat, their potential sons, daughters, and grandchildren, had their parents survived battling the tyrant’s assault on our nation’s security, gone on to become the physicians and researchers who might have found the cures to the diseases that ravage today’s population?  In this loss consider not only the magnification of generational diseases we witness among us today, but consider also the loss of the multiplied strength of the gene pool sacrificed as the strongest and healthiest of our countrymen marched off to war–some never to return again.

And so it is in every area of life!  The best of what America could have been today is only the shadow of what might have been if our fellow countrymen could have been born and added their productive capacity–if only their parents not been laid low by the necessity of war!

Yes, there is also the financial and industrial losses we have suffered.  Each community of potential Americans lost in a single service member killed in freedom’s defense would have added immeasurably to our nation’s cumulative productivity, wealth, knowledge, and strength.

But what meaning is to be taken from all of this?  Are we to believe that the need to sacrifice our true wealth in war is only an illusion; or, are we to grasp that for a people to truly be free, there is a valid and true cost of Liberty that must necessarily be paid by some in the community today that will compound into future generations?

The right to live under our Constitution is indeed worth the cost to defeat tyrants wherever they may rise and at whatever cost may be demanded of us!  True enough it is that Americans must not rush into war, nor have we done so in the past.  But when we have come to the conclusion that reason exists to commit our military forces into combat we must take close care that we refuse to listen to the voices that would weaken our resolve or to eventually abandon and discount our reason to win the fight–or to dishonor the blood and families sacrificed in the first instance because we lack the will to continue a just cause!

Remember this, America, we must always count those who would quit our commitment to win our wars both as enemies and as unworthy, regardless of citizenship, to stand in the warm memory of those who have given their lives–and futures–for our freedom!  They are but ungrateful vagarants preferring to live off of the grace of our greatest Americans thinking that no cost, even slavery to tyrants, is worthy of their lives.

And so, this Memorial Day, let us consider not just the lost, fallen in combat, and the magnificent families who would live among us today as brothers and sisters had the cost of Liberty not been demanded of their parents.  Let us consider what they believed was worthy of such a sacrifice–The Constitution of the United States, and America’s way of life, is indeed worthy of our integrity with their sacrifice!  Indeed, they died defending the Constitution against foreign enemies never believing that the “domestic” enemy would be found within our shores to threaten their families later in life.  But that day has arrived!

Be careful to always remember that they did not give up their lives–and the lives of the children they would have loved–for an America that would allow the Constitution to be pulled down and trodden underfoot by the likes of five liberal judges who would use their judicial power to illegally change the meaning of the Constitution from the Bench by judicial fiat!  They did not die that in America judges could emulate a mad and evil Nazi tyrant and learn to entice Americans to practice child sacrifice as a right!  They did not die so that the federal government could wage a domestic war on moral decency in America!  They did not die that the federal government could wage a religious war upon their Christian faith, preferring instead the Muslim religion of hatred and terror!  They did not die so that the institution of “family” could be replaced by the communist ideal of socialist realignment!  They did not die to have the historic meaning of “marriage” redefined by five lawyers to be anything desired by a perverse people against the determined intent of the people of the States and ultimately to mean nothing at all!  And they did not die to purchase the right of deranged and perverted men and women who would deny their own biology to force the rest of the nation to allow such deviants to bathe with our sons and daughters!

This Memorial Day we have a responsibility to remember and honor the sacrifice of our heroes, and, if needed, be prepared to give our own lives as well, with our wealth and reputations too, to defend, with them, our Constitution and American way of life!  We owe it to them and to the families they would have had as well as our own, to stand firm and unflinching to elect only to office those forsworn to defend and preserve our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, inside our government, and out, the way it was written and handed down to us.  We owe it to them, and to our own children, to refuse to allow any president to nominate another judge to the Supreme Court, like Barack Hussein Obama, that would take license to illegally change the Constitution to redefine it in any way, or to attempt to change its understood effect or rob us of our Rights!

If we are to be worthy to remember–and honor–the multiplied sacrifice of those who died fighting for America this Memorial Day, we must commit to be willing to die–and vote–only for those who will return the U.S. Supreme Court to a proper understanding of the sphere of their role in government under the Constitution.  They must understand that they do not stand above the Constitution, to control how it is to consequently be understood; but rather, in every way to sit subject to the authority of the document, below it, to hear it as it speaks without modification by their political intents!

Let us, then, be faithful stewards of the sacrifice of those who have died for America, and specifically for a Constitutional America.  Let us be faithful stewards of the Constitution they handed to us with bloody hands about to die so that we might continue to lift it up and to live in the Liberty our forefathers initially gave us.

Let us be faithful this Memorial Day–to them and to the Constitution!


~Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired, Memorial Day, 2016

Homosexual behavior is always an act of the will–not biology!

Sometimes our minds lie to us. To a person who suffers from an eating disorder they image that what they see in the mirror appears real, but it isn’t. The distortion that they see does not correspond to truth. The mind and heart of the sufferer distorts the truth into a lie which is as real to the sufferer as the false image looking back from the mirror at the victim of an eating disorder.

The same phenomenon is true with respect to homosexual behaviors and other gender disorders. The science is absolutely clear that homosexual behavior is in no way associated with a person’s cellular programming (DNA—genetics); but, knowing inherently that such behavior is always the deviation from the norm in nature, sufferers are compelled to see what is not there as a defensive mechanism. They need to justify their behavior–and they must demand your acceptance–to be able to feel good about what they inherently know is wrong in their lives. In the case of homosexual behavior and gender disorders the sufferers must force themselves to believe that nature–or nature’s God–wrote their deviant behavior into their genetics and they “are” what they choose to “think” that they “are” in direct opposition and denial of their true biological nature.

Science has never supported a genetic connection to sexual deviance, but instead, through studies of identical twins who share identical DNA, studies have shown in definitive terms that such a biological, or genetic, connection to such behaviors is illusory. The “made that way argument” is always a lie!  Like the person suffering with an eating disorder, the person who is trapped pursuing same-sex relationships are reflecting upon what they choose to see–but not what is the reality of their biological genetic programming.

Think about it. If what they are saying is true, then it would necessarily be a lie to say that one is a “bi-sexual” because if one’s sexual orientation is actually programmed into one’s DNA it would be impossible to be both homosexual and heterosexual.  You only find the union (the “B” in LGBT) because they need all deviant groups to band together to support their political cause!  It has nothing to do with actual biology!

To encourage them in this unhealthy and destructive lie is to be guilty of deceit; yet, supported in this error today by our deceptive culture and the government, they embrace the behavior as a normal lifestyle because to do otherwise condemns their own chosen perversion. You can’t have it both ways!  You can’t have the lie and rely on biology to back the lie.  Science is clear!  Such behavior is always a deviation from the biological norm in nature, and the true scientific method proves it every time it is put to the test.

Recognize the truth and reject the lie that such behavior is normal and worthy of acceptance or celebration.  Reject the political control of those who would have people enslaved into justifying the choice of sexual deviance over a healthy moral sexual lifestyle! Homosexual behavior is always an act of the will–not biology! Learn to tell the truth!

Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired

Fort Worth, Texas, May 19, 2016

Why Eric Fanning was made Secretary of the Army.

Morning brief, Wednesday, May 18, 2016.  Why Eric Fanning was nominated to be Secretary of the Army by President Obama and what the Left has been doing to destroy the U.S. armed forces as a military force for good; but instead, as a vehicle to pervert and destroy the moral foundations of the nation.

When Science isn’t Science … and no one seems to care.

The cover on the January 2016 “Scientific American Mind” magazine in the grocery store was plastered the words, “Youth Transgenderism: How best to help them thrive.”

Perhaps to most1934549_1075061847618_3122945_n Americans who have been mal-educated over the last several decades such an article presented in a supposed “scientific” publication is evidence against all of their prior understanding of history, religion, law and culture, and that they must adapt their thinking to accept the “so-called” condition of “transgenderism” as scientifically supported.

Being mal-educated, though, they have lost the ability to determine what is true and what is an extravagant fraud supported by white-coated co-conspirators in a massive hoax to promote the liberal agenda and sacrifice children to achieve their desired end.  Not a new development by any measure, this is but one of the most recent displays of the use of a lie cloaked in the name of science where no actual “science” exists.

To understand better the nature and danger of the fraud, let us step back into actual science (what used to be taught and valued in the culture) to understand the lengths to which the politically compromised “science” community will go to endorse the political correctness supporting the “so-called” gender identity agenda against fundamental scientific principles of integrity.  In the case of this particular issue bearing upon the question of the veracity of any questions advancing ideas associated with appropriate responses to “so-called” “transgenderism” we need to address the fundamental scientific question of what defines gender (at least in humans) and if there is any actual scientific evidence to reveal that human sexuality is defined in genetics and if such definitions ever actually change (or transition to another form of gender identity).

Interestingly, no less than eight clinical studies conducted in the past two decades in the United States, Australia, and Sweden have been conducted to determine specifically if homosexuality itself is determined by genetics (the “I was born that way argument”) in sets of identical twins.

Why use identical twins in the studies?  Simply put, “Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay” [ ]–Mark Ellis.  What that means is that both or all members of a set of babies that are “identical” had their origin from the same fertilized cell of the mother containing the unique chromosomes supplied by the half of the chromosome string from the mother and the other half of the chromosome string from the father (note that to obtain a new human life genetic material from only a heterosexual couple is required; not a homosexual couple).  From this same literal genetically unique cell a complete division occurs and results in two identical cells from which each separate identical twin individually develops in the mother’s womb.

And why is this information so important in any actual scientific study?  Because if the genetic coding of one identical twin would require that individual to be predisposed biologically to homosexual identity, then, because the other identical twin’s genetic coding is exactly the same, the other identical twin would always (100%) be likewise predisposed biologically to homosexual identity.  Instead, however, the results of the actual studies militate against any understanding that homosexual identity, or a predisposition toward homosexual behavior, is in any way genetically linked.

According to Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD., an experienced scientific researcher who worked for twenty-four years in research for the New Zealand government followed by years of service working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency and the nation of Japan dealing with radiation exposure factors, revealed that,  “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women [among actual identical twins].”  Which means, scientifically that, “Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. ‘No-one is born gay,’ [and therefore he notes] “The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.”

So, what does that mean?  It means that whatever factors may be impacting upon the decisions or psyche of individuals who practice homosexual behaviors, genetics is absolutely not included in those factors.  In the end, homosexual behavior is not predicated upon biological factors and no person can honestly claim that their individual biology–their genetics–make them “that way.”

So, those studies reveal that of those who make the choice to practice homosexual behaviors, they cannot rely on essential biological factors for their behavior.  These studies completely devastate the “born that way argument” and those practicing homosexual behaviors can no longer be understood to be, contrary to popular erroneous opinion, hardwired toward homosexual behavior.  But interestingly beyond that, of those same tracked identical twins as adolescents, those who have practiced homosexual behaviors have subsequently had a propensity to move from homosexual behavior in their earlier developmental years when they may have been “experimenting” with sex, to heterosexual lifestyles later in life.  “A significant twin study among adolescents shows an even weaker genetic correlation. In 2002 Bearman and Brueckner studied tens of thousands of adolescent students in the U.S. The same-sex attraction concordance between identical twins was only 7.7% for males and 5.3% for females—lower than the 11% and 14% in the Australian study by Bailey et al conducted in 2000.”  Dr. Whitehead notes, “Neutral academic surveys show there is substantial change. About half of the homosexual/bisexual population (in a non-therapeutic environment) moves towards heterosexuality over a lifetime. About 3% of the present heterosexual population once firmly believed themselves to be homosexual or bisexual.”

So, were these actual scientific studies commissioned or conducted by researchers interested in supporting an outcome negative to the drive to normalize concepts of homosexual practice and identity in human understandings of sexual behavior?  No, they were not.  In fact, noted in the article by Mark Ellis, “The authors were pro-gay and they commented that the only stability was among the heterosexuals, who stayed the same year after year. Adolescents are a special case—generally changing their attractions from year to year.”

So what does this actual scientific understanding of genetics and human sexual behavior and identity tell us?  It tells us that whatever you may believe about the nature of humans spiritually, we are actually structurally machines biologically coded down to the minutest aspect by our genetic code found in each and every cell of our being.  We know this absolutely by the identical twin studies identified in this article; and it is noteworthy that there are no studies that refute the results of those cited in this study (8 studies) over the last two decades.  So no one has ever been born to be a homosexual!  If they practice homosexual behaviors it may be that they have been influenced by social structures and pressures, exposure to pornography, twisted family or associational influences, or mal-education, but they do so by choice and not because they are biologically predisposed to such behavior.

If that is true at the micro level with respect to homosexual behaviors and perceptions of sexual predispositions toward homosexuality, it is scientifically true also of individuals who falsely perceive themselves to “be” ontologically something different from what their gender reveals them to be.  If an individual is born biologically a boy it is because he “is” indeed a boy down to the cellular level of his biological identity.  Similarly, if an individual is born biologically a girl it is because she “is” indeed a girl down to the cellular level of her biological identity.  It will not matter what physician are able to do artificially to the body to cause it to appear to be something other than what their biology has already identified them to be, because at the cellular level they will always be what their actual genetic code wired them to be … which is reflected in their anatomy.  Even if hormones are injected into the individual, or surgery alters their form, their genetic code is not changed and they will always irrevocably remain biologically what they started out being as reflected in their gender at birth.  You can make up any emotional argument that you want, but it will not alter the actual science … which brings us back to the article in “The Scientific American Mind” telling gullible readers a biological and psychological lie the there is a way to help young people who understand themselves to be caught in the grip of “transgenderism” to “thrive.”

When I was a very young boy I watched the Walt Disney movie about a young elephant named “Dumbo” who had abnormally large ears that allowed him to fly.  In my mind I knew that I was a little boy, but I wanted very badly to instead grow up to be a flying elephant!  I can tell you in no uncertain terms that I am glad that there were no magazines in the local grocery stores that told my parents, “Young Transspeciesism: How best to help them thrive as a flying elephant”!  I’m also glad that my parents understood then (in the 1950s) that it would not have helped me to tell me the lie that I could one day grow up to be a flying elephant.  Instead, they lovingly and carefully told me that I was a boy and I could never grow up to be any kind of elephant.  They didn’t support me in any delusion that I could just decide to be something else.  Obviously, we live in a country today where that kind of common sense and basic science is almost completely lacking in our culture (Dad was a machinist and Mom was a “housewife” … and I’m thankful for that).

We need to wake up in America and begin to reeducate ourselves paying attention to what science is real and what science is just the product of political correctness and corruption in the education community.  The only way that we can help our youth with confusion about issues they are exposed to every day in our corrupted society concerning homosexual behavior and “so-called” transgenderism is to tell them the real truth that homosexual behavior is always chosen deviant behavior in nature that should never be practiced–or accepted–and there is no such thing as “transgenderism” (because no one’s biology ever transitions, in fact, from one gender to another … Spoiler alert! There is no Caitlyn Jenner who started out as a boy named Bruce; only a confused man that is sick and unhappy).

Copyright (c) Terry M. Hestilow, 2016

NASA scientists are jumping to a false conclusion in the icy shadows on Mercury.

How exciting!  NASA has discovered that there is ice in the shadows of the planet Mercury!

We are told that on the surface of Mercury temperatures can range, according to NASA scientists, 1,100 degrees within a range of ten feet.  But their logic, and the flights of scientific imagination on the meaning such findings may offer pertaining to the origins of life, is desperately flawed.

Because the “Big Bang Theory” and “Darwin’s Theory of Evolution” have decisively crashed into an unyielding wall here on earth (the irreducible complexity of the cell) scientists who reject the interaction of a Creator God are now having to search the universe to find other possible scenarios to validate their godless explanations for the origins of life.  Grasping into the unsearchable recesses of the eternally icy craters and shadows of Mercury they suggest that this new discovery (ice in Mercury’s craters) may lead to evidence that “organic” material could have traveled through space and been eternally frozen in the frigid shadows of craters that are never exposed to the sun (no atmosphere).

Why is that important?  Well, they suppose, organic material could have likewise traveled through space to earth (which has an atmosphere) in the same way and subsequently (because the earth’s atmosphere was not as hostile) developed into life.

What is wrong with that theory?  It still does not answer the fundamental question of where original substance came from.

According to the “Big Bang” theory, all matter was thrown outward into space from an “infinitely small point in space” (translation, a point of infinite emptiness). [Put on your thinking cap here.]  Have you ever seen a demonstration of nothingness exploding?  Has there ever been a demonstration … hard evidence … that complete emptiness has ever come under so much pressure in a complete vacuum (where nothing exists) that the emptiness has exploded producing material that did not exist before the explosion?

Essentially, those who deny that all things came into being by the positive creative acts and determination of a Creator God, remain faced with the same impossible question, “Where and how did the first substance come into existence if, by their own “Big Bang Theory,” they can’t explain where the original substance came from (kind of circular thinking, no?).

“Faith” is defined as the “substance” of things “hoped for,” the “evidence” of “things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).  NASA, and atheist scientists can point to literally no “substance” to explain what they “hope for”; but, people of religious faith point to the Bible, to history, to personal experience, and to genuine science (that does not exclude “Intelligent Design”) the “substance” available for all to see, feel, touch, and experience … the earth, the sky, the seas, and the universe … as the “evidence” of the Creator God in whom we have “hope” in Christ (that would be Jesus of Nazareth and NOT Obama or Allah) even when we cannot “see” Him.  Think about it. NASA and atheistic scientists … along with public school teachers … have told you something that they cannot demonstrate with a single atom of substance exploding from an infinitely small point of emptiness.

Be honest.  Does It not really take vastly more “faith” to believe that all matter in the universe was produced out of an “infinitely small point in space” where absolutely nothing existed (otherwise you still have to explain where the “something” in the point of origin came from … and the source of pressure impinging on that infinitely small material came from in the first place) than to believe that God is indeed the Creator who ordained its existence?

The science of Mercury is fascinating and should be studies for all the new information it will yield; but, take it for what it is … which in no way supports the atheistic arguments of the “Big Bang” or “Darwinian Evolution.”

Real science is a product of Christian faith developed on the basis of the Judeo-Christian world view that all things exist and have their order according to plan rather than irrational chaos in the universe (check history).  What NASA, atheistic scientists, public school teachers, and political liberals (who believe government must be god) are teaching requires an irrational leap of blind faith (the “Big Bang” in which your substantive brain explodes into emptiness).  Judaism and Christianity calls for a rational faith connected with history and science.  Think about this today, and (if you have not done so yet) accept the gift of reconciliation with God for your rebellion through the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross, in space and time for you, this Christmas season (if you do not understand this, I recommend you meet with an evangelical pastor in your area).

Merry Christmas!
