“Equal Justice under law must include Hillary Clinton, or it is a fraud upon the People”

I have been, and I will continue to be, a committed supporter of President-elect Donald Trump; but, that said, I will not be hesitant to object when I believe he is making a mistake. Such is the case this morning following the statement by his Senior Advisor, Kellyanne Conway, that he will not pursue charges against Hillary Clinton for her email scandal.

If by that statement he is seeking to purchase good will and unity from those who will remain defiantly opposed to him, his Cabinet, his Judicial nominees, and his policies, he will gain nothing from his enemies but their happy contempt. But, on the other hand, if he pursues this protection of Clinton from legal accountability for her lawlessness, he will instead frustrate his supporters who will feel betrayed in the denial of “equal justice under law” to shield a crooked politician and her criminal organizations in the abuse of her office for personal gain. In my mind such betrayal and misprision of a felon is a dangerous first step for the new president.

In defense of his protection of Clinton from prosecution for her criminal acts it has been suggested that justice came for her on November 8th when she was denied election as President. If that is the bar of justice for her, then are we to believe that for politicians, as contrasted with all other persons subject to our laws, not being elected to political office is equivalent to being convicted and sent to prison for their crimes with no real legal accountability? May that argument never become acceptable to the American People! Let us be absolutely clear that if she is excused and protected from prosecution for acts others are sent to prison for committing, then there is a big slimy hair-ball clogging the drain system of the government swamp that blocks the new President’s real efforts to even begin to “drain the swamp”!

The President-elect is tragically wrong if, indeed, what Kellyanne Conway said reflects the conclusion he has accepted from his Establishment advisors. It will undermine his positive perception as an “outsider” and will forever weaken the rule of law in our nation that, from this day forward in his Administration, falsely claims all Americans stand equal before the bar of justice.

I pray that he will be better advised to let the wheels of justice grind to a proper legal conclusion in this and any tangent cases that might be connected to it. He does not need to take an adversarial role in this or any resulting cases; and, as the true senior law enforcement officer in the land, he should truly remain detached from the process. That means that he should have absolutely no role either way, in conviction or pardoning, in this case that should be fully investigated by law enforcement and, if she or others are charged with crimes, tried by the same courts that any other citizen would be subject to–including any execution of sentence if convicted. The President-elect’s proper responsibilities extend only as far as nominating the Attorney General, federal jurists to the Courts, and then stepping out of Justice’s way.

I believe that you and I must responsibly articulate this same message to President-elect Trump, his advisors, the media, and each other at every opportunity. While, hopefully, we will remain solidly behind President Trump, he needs to know how we really feel about this potential denial of justice to both Hillary Clinton and every other American citizen that values the unique American principle of “equal justice under law”!

CPT (Ret.) Terry Michael Hestilow, USA
Fort Worth, Texas
November 22, 2016

The True Treasure of Memorial Day, and what it means to Election Day: a soldier’s perspective.

As we arrive less than three weeks from the presidential election, we are faced with a critical decision that will permanently determine our national direction.  We will either commit ourselves to vote to take our nation back toward our foundations and constitutional representative government; or, instead, tdscn1190-copyoward the slavery of judicial and executive tyranny.  We ought to carefully consider what is really on the table in this election and what we truly stand to lose if we allow a Marxist criminal bent on overthrowing our Constitution to be elected; or, if we will elect a president who understands that federal judges must sit under, and be, themselves, subject to our Constitution, or if they will place themselves above the Constitution, as all powerful tyrants, to bend its interpretation to fit the Marxist agenda of the Left.

The following article was written by me to remind Americans what the true treasure of Memorial Day is to our nation.  It was unpublished when I originally wrote it partly because, at the time, I had been exiled from Facebook over an article I wrote in December concerning national security concerns.  Apparently, as inmates say about serving their sentence in prison, “I did my number” and was allowed access to my page again in July.

I read again my original handwritten article yesterday.  Though Memorial Day is past, I believe that the things I wrote considering what was truly important then is magnified by the urgency of the moment as we stand so near to the presidential election that very well may be the death blow to our country if Hillary Clinton is elected.  With that in mind, I present to you the following thoughts to consider as you determine your decision to vote in less than three weeks for our next president and whether you will do what you can to stop the Left’s drive to overthrow our Constitution via an activist Supreme Court that will seek to reshape that document into a Frankenstein monster that can not be stopped from destroying the United States of America.

As with all of my writings, you may freely share this article with your friends.  In fact, I encourage you to do so today to reach as many voters as possible.  Hopefully it will help.

Thank you.

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow, United States Army

The True Treasure of Memorial Day [or Election Day]:  A Soldier’s Perspective

Most Americans that have a true historic understanding of the origin of Memorial Day recognize that it is a day of commemoration of those Americans who gave their lives at sea and on battlefields for the hope of Liberty for those who survived the wars.

Some, less attentive, or poorly educated, think it simply another day to recognize military members generally.  To them, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Armed Forces Day are all identical in nature and superfluous.

Then there are those who lose the human element entirely.  To them, Memorial Day, while recognizing the human toll paid for our freedoms, are more inclined to lament the cost of war in terms of dollars and cents … so called “wealth”.

While in truth, Memorial Day is a day to remember specifically our war dead, in a real sense it should be a day of reflection on what we have actually suffered, as a nation, paying the legitimate price that our nation’s freedom—and freedom’s maintenance—has required.  Truly, it is a cost that can never be quantified by the accountant nor historian’s cumulative record of our war dead; but, must give freedom to the understanding of the multiplied impact of every lost life to what America might have been if they had lived.

The real cost of war—our true Treasure—is not measured in coin spent, but in blood poured out … and in the generations of Americans that have been forever lost to us—literally generations of Americans lost with each dying sailor or soldier at sea or on the field of battle.

Think of these multiplied losses.  Each service member killed in battle—on land, sea, or air—were not just nameless numbers in “killed in action” column on a report.  They were not just statistics that appear to bear little significance to the whole of our population.  Neither are they simply the sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, uncles, cousins, and friends lost to war.  For each life represents the potential in generations never to be realized in the cultural personality, vitality, and productivity of our country.

To begin to grasp the true “National Treasure” we have paid, we must begin to see the population of America buried beneath each headstone of each American “killed in action” for Liberty’s preservation!

How many would have gone on in life to become husbands and wives?  And how many sons and daughters would they have produced that would have, in turn, given us grandchildren to build strength into our population?

And yet the physicians and researchers tell us more.  Think of the consolidated value of the gene pool we have lost in the healthiest Americans forever removed from among us to vanquish the tyrant’s thirst for power.  In this loss, consider not only the magnification of generational diseases that we witness among us today, but consider also the loss of genius we have suffered in brilliant minds that might have found cures to diseases that continue to evolve and march against our population’s health today.

And so it is in every area of life!  The best of America today is only the shadow of what we might have been if those Americans fallen in battle might have produced children had they not been laid low by the necessity of war.

And, yes, there is also the financial and industrial loss we have suffered as well.  For each community—family–of potential Americans lost in a single service member killed in action would have added immeasurably to our nation’s productivity, wealth, knowledge and strength.

But what meaning is to be taken from the recognition of what our personal and national costs have been this Memorial Day [or Election Day]?  Is it a call against the need for war and warriors to take up arms against our enemies?  Forever not!  For the right to live under our own Constitution is indeed worth the true cost to defeat the tyrants, at home and abroad, that would deny our people—our families—our children—their Liberties and force us all to live on our knees under the tyrant’s whip!

True enough it is that Americans must not rush into war, but when we have reasoned that military force is necessary we must not permit our resolve to weaken and subsequently abandon our mission and discount the cost already paid in blood upon the battlefield!  We owe it to the dead and wounded to finish the mission successfully, promptly, and decisively!

Remember this, America, we must always count these who would quit our commitment to win our wars unworthy to stand in the warm memory of those who gave their lives—and their futures—and their potential families—for our freedom!  Those who would quit our commitment to win our wars are but maggots preferring the flesh of slaughtered freedom!  Rather than stop the tyrant, they would choose to live empty lives without value, living under the boot of tyranny, and not deserving of the freedoms already gained by brave warriors—living and dead—to keep America free!

And so, this Memorial Day [or Election Day], let us consider not just the lost fallen in combat, and the magnificent families who would live among us as brothers and sisters, and patriot countrymen, had the cost of Liberty not been demanded of their parents.  Let us consider what they believed was worthy of such a sacrifice—The United States Constitution, and our American way of life!  Indeed, they died defending the Constitution against all enemies—both foreign and domestic!

They did not give up their very lives—and the lives of the children they would have loved—for an America that would allow the Constitution to be pulled down and trodden underfoot by five judges in black robes who would illegally change the Constitution from the Bench by judicial fiat [Article V  US Constitution provides the only legal means of changing the US Constitution, and decisions that change our understanding of the historic meaning of the Constitution by five judges on the Supreme Court is not included as one of those legal means of altering the Constitution]!  They did not die that America could emulate the Nazi tyranny against the Jews and sponsor the slaughter of children in and out of the mother’s womb!  They did not die that the federal government could wage a domestic war against our religion—or usher in a preferred Muslim religion of hatred and terror!  They did not die so that the institution of family could be replaced by a communist social reformation!  They did not die that “marriage” could be redefined by liberal enemies of the Constitution into something undefined and meaningless!  And they did not die to give deranged men and women the right to force the rest of America to accept that they should be allowed to shower with our children!

This Memorial Day [or Election Day] we have a responsibility to remember and honor their sacrifice and, if need be, give our own lives, our own wealth, and our own names in defense of our Constitution and way of life!  We owe it to them and to our children to stand firm and elect only to office those fore-sworn to defend and preserve the Constitution the way it was written and not the way five unelected liberal judges think it should be redefined in meaning and effect!

If we are to be worthy to remember—and honor—the multiplied sacrifice of those who died fighting for America this Memorial Day [or Election Day], or—for that matter any day of the year—we must commit to be willing to die ourselves—and vote—only for one who will return the U.S. Supreme Court to a proper understanding that they do not stand above the Constitution, but in every way sit below it and are obligated to hear it speak rather than to try to speak in its place!

Let us, then be faithful stewards of their sacrifice, and the Constitution they died to give into our hands to likewise protect in our day.

Copyright © Terry M. Hestilow, 2016

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow, United States Army

Fort Worth, Texas, October 20, 2016

If Hillary Clinton is elected …

     Looking forward at what is coming if certain things happen, I write with the hope that Americans can still turn back before it is too late.

     With that in mind, if Hillary Clinton is elected, she will nominate so-called “Justices” and federal judges to the bench whose judicial philosophy holds the U.S. Constitution as written in utter and vile contempt. By new majorities on the U.S. Supreme Court, IMG_4222confirmed by feckless Republicans in the Senate who will join with the Democrats, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will reinterpret and nullify every one of our individual rights in the Bill of Rights and strip citizens and the States of their rights under the 10th Amendment. Contrary to the limited strict delegated areas of authority for the Central government specifically provided in the 10th Amendment, the federal government will recognize no limitation on their power and will rapidly take on the attributes of totalitarianism.

      At that moment in time the United States of America will no longer exist as we have known it. With the death of the Constitution under the Democrats, and their reformation of the new “United Socialist States of America”–with the aid and consent of the Congress and all political parties, there will be no reason for patriotic American citizens to not rise up to overthrow the new illegitimate Central government that will reveal itself to be a domestic enemy of our true Constitution.
     Make no mistake. The acts of the Court in their lawless rulings from the bench by judicial fiat as demonstrated in Obergefell v. Hodges last year, will become the norm. Nothing will stop the new “interpretations” of the federal courts at every level and the federal courts will rule in ways that will be as inconsistent with the true meaning of the original Constitution as the Sharia courts would be if they were allowed to operate in the United States. Civil war will be inevitable.
     People can pretend that their reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton, or staying at home and not voting, are morally supportable. In fact, a vote for Hillary Clinton, or actions that will allow her to achieve victory, will be a vote to destroy the Constitution via a new lawless U.S. Supreme Court that will implement their new tyranny of the American people by the FBI, federal regulatory agencies, the IRS, the DoJ, and the DoD. American citizens will have voted to destroy the only true hope of freedom in the world in favor of a Socialist global government (but such a popular vote is not a means of amending the true U.S. Constitution as provided in Article V).
     I fear there will be no stopping what I have predicted if Hillary Clinton is elected. The day the Clinton Court overthrows the U.S. Constitution to implement a new Socialist tyranny will be the day the new American Civil War will begin.
~Captain Terry Michael Hestilow, United States Army, Retired

The question isn’t Democrat v. Republican in this race, but Patriot v. Communist Traitors!

CPT (Ret.) Terry Hestilow, USA, clarifies the communist roots of top leaders in the DNC and challenges that the question isn’t Democrat v. Republican in this race, but Patriot v. Communist Traitors!

Constitution 101: Art. V; 10th Amendment

Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired, addresses the nature of the Constitution, the contract between citizens, States, and the federal government, the lie that it is a living document by liberals, and the only legitimate and legal means for amending the document consistent with Article V and the 10th Amendment.

Included in the discussion is the illegal nature of the actions of the U.S. Supreme Court in history–including landmark illegal decisions in the cases of Dred Scott v Sandford, 1857, Roe v Wade, 1973, and Obergefell v Hodges, 2015.

Specific topics include:  Article V; 10th Amendment; 2nd Amendment; Judicial Tyranny; Judicial Fiat; Impeachment of Justices; and the cowardice of Congress to confront illegal SCOTUS rulings.

The Constitution is our first priority! Afternoon brief, May 19, 2016.

In response to questions of my integrity associated with agreeing to vote for Donald Trump following his identification of eleven men and women that he would likely select his nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court, I address my first priority in this race–The U.S. Constitution.  Captain (Retired) Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army (Old Army).

The Ragged American Flag

As I was exercising this evening I came upon a disturbing image.  Hoisted upon the flag pole of a OldGlory[3]relatively new business was the American flag at half-staff.  What was disturbing to me was that the fly end of the flag, blowing briskly in the wind, was showing the damage that eventually tears and destroys the flag due to inattention and neglect.

Over the years I have felt it a kind of responsibility as a soldier to kindly inform businesses and organizations when their flags are becoming ragged or torn (or, in the case of the Texas flag, flown upside down through ignorance).  Indeed, as a soldier the care and respect due to the national colors have always driven me to try to preserve the dignity of the flag wherever it is flown.

As I passed the business I considered that I might inform them the following day and finish my exercise routine without delay.  Then I looked at the flag again and another thought prevailed upon my perception of this sad scene.  Perhaps, thought I, what I was seeing was our national situation on unintended display for all to see?

With the Grand Old Party suffering a kind of deafness and blindness that has alienated the greater rank and file of their political party, and empowered a chameleon who pretends to be an outsider and who says to his audience whatever they want to hear; and the Democrats finally showing their utter disdain for the Constitution in a no holds barred attempt to finally usher in a communist utopia that has only enslaved those who have looked to it for salvation; it suddenly seemed to me that this torn and ragged flag of our once great nation might be just the proper metaphor for our nation today.

Sadly, most Americans reside in the comfort afforded to them from the past that is almost certain to dissolve in the days ahead if we continue to sit by watching reality television instead of reality life.  We need to reengage our efforts to restore the Constitution.  If we fail in this presidential election to restore responsible Constitutional leadership, the fabric of our nation will absolutely tear into rags and true freedom will be lost forever.

It is a certainty that the Democrats, if victorious, will quickly seize final control of the Supreme Court where the activist rogue Justices of the Left will tear the Constitution to shreds.  Further, their efforts to overturn free markets and embrace communism, Hillary or Bernie, will know no bounds–or limits in their Executive Orders.

It is equally certain that the Establishment Republicans will continue to embrace the crony capitalism that has caused them to deal with the devil at every turn and has alienated those who have looked to it for the courage and leadership that it has shown it does not have in the face of conflict.

It is also true that the revenge seekers who have embraced the ultimate political insider, Donald Trump, if they are able to secure the political victory for their idolized deceiver, will ultimately savage and destroy the nation in the process of punishing what they see as a faithless Republican Party.  They, in the end, are little more than pyromaniacs heaping on the scrub brush to burn the nation to the ground and destroy it, and the system, for all time.

If that flag I saw this evening, that was tattered, ragged, and torn on that flagpole, is ever to be restored it will take the commitment and effort of those in charge of the flagpole to take responsible restorative action.

The same holds true–today–for our nation!  We have the opportunity, with our own voices, in our everyday conversations, our social media contacts, and our voting behavior to hoist up a restored America with a restored commitment to our Constitution and the institutions that have made our nation great in the past.  There is only one candidate running for president today with the convictions, energy, preparation, and determination to bring our nation back to the Constitution!  That man is Senator Ted Cruz!

So, let today be a new day in America where we foreclose the efforts of the Communists, the race-baiters, the dividers, the compromisers, and the nation burners the opportunity to destroy our nation.  Let today be the day that we turn to Sen. Ted Cruz and vote for him in our every conversation to turn America back to real greatness–Constitutional greatness!

Let’s do it now and let’s do it together–for today and forever, for all of America’s generations to come!

Copyright (c) Terry M. Hestilow, 2016

My letters to my Texas senators reference: Death of Justice Antonin Scalia

The following is a copy of the letters that I have sent to my senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, concerning relevant issues concerning action by the Senate with respect to the nomination and confirmation of the next Justice to replace Justice Scalia.  Please share on your own 1934549_1075062007622_1330027_nTwitter and Facebook pages so that others may also be encouraged to demand like action of their own senators in the aftermath of this tragedy.  You can copy and paste the following in your comment section and the wordpress link will take them to my letter.

Twitter or Facebook comment:  (make sure your device does not insert space between “combat” and “soldier”; but rather is one word “combatsoldier”!)

Letters to Senators concerning proper #Senate response to death of #JusticeScalia Go 2: combatsoldier.wordpress.com

Re: Death of Justice Antonin Scalia, SCOTUS
Dear Sen. Cornyn,
The death of Justice Scalia is one of the great tragedies that has befallen the United States in recent history. A far greater tragedy would be if President Barack Obama was able to pick the replacement for this magnificent legal mind on the Court! I agree with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that the American people, through the selection of the next president, should have a voice in who will sit in the hallowed seat of Justice Scalia. Please stand fast and protect the nature and constitution of the Court that it might properly in the future remain itself subordinate to the Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution–as written. You must remain faithful if the Constitution and the Court are to be preserved. Nothing else is of greater importance to our nation at this time in our history.
Stand strong!
Terry M. Hestilow
Captain, United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth, Texas