My demand for impeachment of lawless judges!

The Honorable Michael Burgess, M.D.
United States House of Representatives
Texas House District #26

February 9, 2017

Re: Impeachment of Judges.

Representative Burgess,

I have addressed the necessity in the past with you of members of the U.S. House of Representatives exercising their Constitutional duty and responsibility through impeachment to remove otherwise unaccountable judges and justices from federal courts and the Supreme Court when it is clear that they have acted outside their Constitutional limits of authority. Sadly, because the House of Representatives has refused to act in accordance with its duty to impeach lawless judges and justices in the past we have once again come to a place in which judges acting beyond their Constitutional authority are now placing our nation in immediate danger to terrorists seeking to gain entry into the United States even though President Trump has taken steps lawfully to prevent their entry into our country. If you had done your job in the past, it is likely that judges today would better remain constrained under the proper limits of their office and the President would be able to protect the American people as is his proper responsibility.

Representative Burgess, we now find our nation threatened by unelected judges and justices acting in contravention of our Constitution and in their tyranny from the bench, providing legal protection and access of entry into the United States by terrorists that cannot be properly vetted from the seven nations identified that most often infect our world with terrorists. This is completely unacceptable!

I demand of you, my elected representative from the 26th Congressional District of Texas, that you immediately initiate Articles of Impeachment to remove Judge James Robart from his seat on the bench of the Federal District Court, and Judges Richard Clifton, William Canby, Jr., and Michelle Friedland, from their seats on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

You and your fellow Representatives, through the process of impeachment, are the only means of removing these lawless federal judges from the offices that they have so terribly abused! I look forward to seeing you, my Representative, stand with the Constitution, your constituency, and you president to safeguard our nation from terrorists and lawless federal judges.


Captain Terry Michael Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth, Texas

No more room for debate! Lawless judges must be impeached by the House and removed by the Senate!

The evidence in the case of the lawlessness of Judge James Robart, Federal District Court, and 9th Circuit Judges Richard Clifton, William Canby, Jr., and Michelle Friedland, is a matter of record now and reveals that they have clearly acted outside the limits of their authority under our U.S. Constitution! We the People of the United States can no longer tolerate any such judges exercising judicial tyranny in the name of the law and we citizens must demand–DEMAND–that our United States Representatives immediately file Articles of Impeachment against these judges who have lawlessly acted outside the Constitution under color of their offices. The Senate must then follow suit and convict and remove all of these lawless and political judges from their offices!

CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret.

February 9, 2017

So whose agenda are the Democrats pushing?

So whose agenda are the Democrats pushing?
Most Americans are not willing to think that their Democrat neighbors are intentionally about the work of overthrowing our Constitutional Republic. They are always ready to extend to the Democrats credit for simple confusion never believing that what is going on is the end stage of an agenda hatched by British Fabian Socialists in the very beginning of the 20th century under the leadership of people like playwright George Bernard Shaw.
What the Fabian Socialist wanted was to start a slow revolution of ideas–first in London and later in U.S. teacher colleges and universities in the United States. They knew that they could not win an armed revolution, but sought to incrementally alter what children were taught in school, change the laws over time, and then, when in power, take over the nations and impose Communism on them/us (Notice that Communism is not taught anymore in public schools and public universities. Wonder why?).
So, why the sudden insanity being demonstrated by the Left today? Are they really committed to the same original Constitution our fore bears believed in?
Not on your life! In fact, Democrats hold the U.S. Constitution–as written–in as much disdain and contempt as those who follow Islam and Sharia Law. To them, the Constitution is evil itself!
I could just be making all of this up, but read the following and tell me where you think it came from.
“In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.
“In all these movements they bring to the front, as the leading question in each, the property question, no matter what its degree of development at the time.
“Finally, they labour everywhere for the union and agreement of the democratic parties of all countries.
“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
“Working men of all countries, unite!”
“The Communist Manifesto,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 1847.
So, think about what is really going on from coast to coast in America. Like demons recognizing that the gates of Hell will soon slam upon them, Democrats see that their end goal of a new world Communist order has been snatched from their grasp! They were certain that Hillary Clinton–a Communist worker from her days in the “Students for a Democratic Society”–was going to be the one who finally brought the Communist agenda in to rule the United States and either overthrow the Constitution or put judicial tyrants on the Supreme Court to “reinterpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they desire (what Judge Gorsuch warned us about in his introduction). Having been defeated, their only hope to overthrow our nation will come by their riots, and–they hope–our willingness to tolerate their lawlessness.
Still doubt me? In the words of Karl Marx himself in his “Communist Manifesto”, compare the agenda of the Communists to that of the Democrats in the United States.
“1. Expropriation of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. [i.e. the government gets your land, its produce, and your rents … you can’t own your land.]
“2. A heavy progressive tax. [Ever heard that before?]
“3. Abolition of all right of inheritance. [You can’t inherit anything … it all goes to the State at the death of the first user (not owner)].
“4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. [Emigrants and rebels can’t own property either.]
“5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. [Wonder why Obama wanted you to go to college on the government’s dime? It was to control you.]
“6. Centralization of transport in the hands of the State. [The State controls all aspects of commerce.]
“7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. [State controls all of the factors of production … including you and your career choices.]
“8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. [Get ready to join the ag army under the Communists.]
“9. Combination of agriculture with industry, promotion of the gradual elimination of the contradictions between town and countryside. [You live where you are told.]
“10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.” [Thank you, Bernie!]
Sound familiar? Yea, I must be reaching.
We have to stop this effort to overthrow our legitimately constituted government by legally constituted authority. We have to follow the law or we play into their plan. But they must not be allowed to succeed!
CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret.
February 2, 2017

Sally Yates is a mutineer and should be held to answer at the bar of justice for her crimes.

Sally Yates is a mutineer and should be held to answer at the bar of justice for her crimes.
Concerning the actions of fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates: beyond the fact that President Donald Trump was legally correct and within his rights as the president of the United States to issue the temporary ban on non-U.S. citizens entering the United States from the seven identified nations whose immigrants have been determined to be a unacceptable risks to the safety of U.S. citizens, if permitted without corrective vetting measures to enter our nation (see 8 USC, 1182, Sect. F), Yates had a legal obligation to follow and enforce President Trump’s Executive Order as the acting senior officer of the U.S. Justice Department in accordance with her oath of office (the same as a U.S. military officer to follow legal orders given to them).
Further, she went beyond her own disobedience and betrayal to the President and her office when she ordered, through a written order (memorandum), to subordinate officers in the U.S. Justice Department to likewise violate the law, and their oaths of office in an act of mutiny in an orchestrated revolt against properly constituted authority (The President) by agents and officers of the Department of Justice.
Sally Yates is nothing less than a mutineer leading an illegal take over of the Department of Justice (the same as a naval vessel at sea). She had to be fired by President Donald J. Trump, but her liability should not, indeed must not, be allowed to end with her being relieved of her duties (fired by President Trump). She should and she must be brought before the bar of justice herself to answer for her crimes (and ignorance of the law is not a defense)! If not, then no other mutineer, military or civilian, legally charged with a vessel of State, may be held accountable for their rebellions against properly constituted authority!
CPT Terry Michael Hestilow, USA, Ret.
Fort Worth, Texas
January 31, 2017

The True Treasure of Memorial Day, and what it means to Election Day: a soldier’s perspective.

As we arrive less than three weeks from the presidential election, we are faced with a critical decision that will permanently determine our national direction.  We will either commit ourselves to vote to take our nation back toward our foundations and constitutional representative government; or, instead, tdscn1190-copyoward the slavery of judicial and executive tyranny.  We ought to carefully consider what is really on the table in this election and what we truly stand to lose if we allow a Marxist criminal bent on overthrowing our Constitution to be elected; or, if we will elect a president who understands that federal judges must sit under, and be, themselves, subject to our Constitution, or if they will place themselves above the Constitution, as all powerful tyrants, to bend its interpretation to fit the Marxist agenda of the Left.

The following article was written by me to remind Americans what the true treasure of Memorial Day is to our nation.  It was unpublished when I originally wrote it partly because, at the time, I had been exiled from Facebook over an article I wrote in December concerning national security concerns.  Apparently, as inmates say about serving their sentence in prison, “I did my number” and was allowed access to my page again in July.

I read again my original handwritten article yesterday.  Though Memorial Day is past, I believe that the things I wrote considering what was truly important then is magnified by the urgency of the moment as we stand so near to the presidential election that very well may be the death blow to our country if Hillary Clinton is elected.  With that in mind, I present to you the following thoughts to consider as you determine your decision to vote in less than three weeks for our next president and whether you will do what you can to stop the Left’s drive to overthrow our Constitution via an activist Supreme Court that will seek to reshape that document into a Frankenstein monster that can not be stopped from destroying the United States of America.

As with all of my writings, you may freely share this article with your friends.  In fact, I encourage you to do so today to reach as many voters as possible.  Hopefully it will help.

Thank you.

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow, United States Army

The True Treasure of Memorial Day [or Election Day]:  A Soldier’s Perspective

Most Americans that have a true historic understanding of the origin of Memorial Day recognize that it is a day of commemoration of those Americans who gave their lives at sea and on battlefields for the hope of Liberty for those who survived the wars.

Some, less attentive, or poorly educated, think it simply another day to recognize military members generally.  To them, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Armed Forces Day are all identical in nature and superfluous.

Then there are those who lose the human element entirely.  To them, Memorial Day, while recognizing the human toll paid for our freedoms, are more inclined to lament the cost of war in terms of dollars and cents … so called “wealth”.

While in truth, Memorial Day is a day to remember specifically our war dead, in a real sense it should be a day of reflection on what we have actually suffered, as a nation, paying the legitimate price that our nation’s freedom—and freedom’s maintenance—has required.  Truly, it is a cost that can never be quantified by the accountant nor historian’s cumulative record of our war dead; but, must give freedom to the understanding of the multiplied impact of every lost life to what America might have been if they had lived.

The real cost of war—our true Treasure—is not measured in coin spent, but in blood poured out … and in the generations of Americans that have been forever lost to us—literally generations of Americans lost with each dying sailor or soldier at sea or on the field of battle.

Think of these multiplied losses.  Each service member killed in battle—on land, sea, or air—were not just nameless numbers in “killed in action” column on a report.  They were not just statistics that appear to bear little significance to the whole of our population.  Neither are they simply the sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, uncles, cousins, and friends lost to war.  For each life represents the potential in generations never to be realized in the cultural personality, vitality, and productivity of our country.

To begin to grasp the true “National Treasure” we have paid, we must begin to see the population of America buried beneath each headstone of each American “killed in action” for Liberty’s preservation!

How many would have gone on in life to become husbands and wives?  And how many sons and daughters would they have produced that would have, in turn, given us grandchildren to build strength into our population?

And yet the physicians and researchers tell us more.  Think of the consolidated value of the gene pool we have lost in the healthiest Americans forever removed from among us to vanquish the tyrant’s thirst for power.  In this loss, consider not only the magnification of generational diseases that we witness among us today, but consider also the loss of genius we have suffered in brilliant minds that might have found cures to diseases that continue to evolve and march against our population’s health today.

And so it is in every area of life!  The best of America today is only the shadow of what we might have been if those Americans fallen in battle might have produced children had they not been laid low by the necessity of war.

And, yes, there is also the financial and industrial loss we have suffered as well.  For each community—family–of potential Americans lost in a single service member killed in action would have added immeasurably to our nation’s productivity, wealth, knowledge and strength.

But what meaning is to be taken from the recognition of what our personal and national costs have been this Memorial Day [or Election Day]?  Is it a call against the need for war and warriors to take up arms against our enemies?  Forever not!  For the right to live under our own Constitution is indeed worth the true cost to defeat the tyrants, at home and abroad, that would deny our people—our families—our children—their Liberties and force us all to live on our knees under the tyrant’s whip!

True enough it is that Americans must not rush into war, but when we have reasoned that military force is necessary we must not permit our resolve to weaken and subsequently abandon our mission and discount the cost already paid in blood upon the battlefield!  We owe it to the dead and wounded to finish the mission successfully, promptly, and decisively!

Remember this, America, we must always count these who would quit our commitment to win our wars unworthy to stand in the warm memory of those who gave their lives—and their futures—and their potential families—for our freedom!  Those who would quit our commitment to win our wars are but maggots preferring the flesh of slaughtered freedom!  Rather than stop the tyrant, they would choose to live empty lives without value, living under the boot of tyranny, and not deserving of the freedoms already gained by brave warriors—living and dead—to keep America free!

And so, this Memorial Day [or Election Day], let us consider not just the lost fallen in combat, and the magnificent families who would live among us as brothers and sisters, and patriot countrymen, had the cost of Liberty not been demanded of their parents.  Let us consider what they believed was worthy of such a sacrifice—The United States Constitution, and our American way of life!  Indeed, they died defending the Constitution against all enemies—both foreign and domestic!

They did not give up their very lives—and the lives of the children they would have loved—for an America that would allow the Constitution to be pulled down and trodden underfoot by five judges in black robes who would illegally change the Constitution from the Bench by judicial fiat [Article V  US Constitution provides the only legal means of changing the US Constitution, and decisions that change our understanding of the historic meaning of the Constitution by five judges on the Supreme Court is not included as one of those legal means of altering the Constitution]!  They did not die that America could emulate the Nazi tyranny against the Jews and sponsor the slaughter of children in and out of the mother’s womb!  They did not die that the federal government could wage a domestic war against our religion—or usher in a preferred Muslim religion of hatred and terror!  They did not die so that the institution of family could be replaced by a communist social reformation!  They did not die that “marriage” could be redefined by liberal enemies of the Constitution into something undefined and meaningless!  And they did not die to give deranged men and women the right to force the rest of America to accept that they should be allowed to shower with our children!

This Memorial Day [or Election Day] we have a responsibility to remember and honor their sacrifice and, if need be, give our own lives, our own wealth, and our own names in defense of our Constitution and way of life!  We owe it to them and to our children to stand firm and elect only to office those fore-sworn to defend and preserve the Constitution the way it was written and not the way five unelected liberal judges think it should be redefined in meaning and effect!

If we are to be worthy to remember—and honor—the multiplied sacrifice of those who died fighting for America this Memorial Day [or Election Day], or—for that matter any day of the year—we must commit to be willing to die ourselves—and vote—only for one who will return the U.S. Supreme Court to a proper understanding that they do not stand above the Constitution, but in every way sit below it and are obligated to hear it speak rather than to try to speak in its place!

Let us, then be faithful stewards of their sacrifice, and the Constitution they died to give into our hands to likewise protect in our day.

Copyright © Terry M. Hestilow, 2016

Captain (Retired) Terry Michael Hestilow, United States Army

Fort Worth, Texas, October 20, 2016

Conflicted Democrats: Throwing LGBT under the bus to protect ISIS.

The Democrat Party just demonstrated their highest priority in the pecking order of special interest groups they adore; and it isn’t the LGBT community this time.  Hoping that no one wGayPride[2]ould notice that they were throwing the community of people who practice homosexual behaviors under the bus to protect the reputation of Muslims among Liberals the Democrats and their sycophant press, they immediately began to report that the Orlando killer (who claimed allegiance to ISIS) was not truly motivated by leadership from the terrorist group, but was instead “conflicted about his sexuality.” They based this conclusion upon reports that he had often been seen in the bar known to serve the Orlando deviant community. So, for Liberals, denying the reality of the shooter’s demonstrated history of sympathy for the ISIS cause was more important than their love for their previously favored political support base–the LGBT community.

For Liberals–Democrats–the shooter was not a terrorist.  For them it was far more reasonable, and necessary, to discount his love for Bakr al Baghdadi and explain away his actions as those of a man confused about his alleged (by the Left) desire to have homosexual relationships than was his love of Islam as Muhammad laid it out!

Poor LGBT community!  Ouch!  Did you just feel those bus tires run you over and smell the diesel exhaust sweep over you from the Obama Transit Authority?

That’s right!  For Democrats–as demonstrated by Attorney General Loretta Lynch who was refusing to release the shooters statements to protect their assertions that he was a sicko who “self-radicalized” (as if his illness and the internet took over and caused him to do this terrible thing) because he was all confused about his “sexual identity.”

But wait!  Doesn’t the “B” in LGBT count for anything anymore?  I thought the people who claim that homosexual behavior is directed by a person’s DNA (genetics) had finally gotten over their discrimination against those who go both ways?  If we believe the “anything goes” philosophy of the LGBT–and the Liberals–there was nothing for the shooter to be “conflicted” about!  So what if he liked to have sex with both men and women?  Clearly his DNA allowed for him to be a “switch-hitter”!  Or was it that he was “conflicted” because he thought his sexual identity went to men, women, and “non-binary” sexual identities (it is really getting hard to keep up with them all)?

And that, friends, is why AG Loretta Lynch is so conflicted about releasing the shooter’s statements.  Being forced to publish the un-redacted version of his statements by a public that would not be told that we can’t be told the truth, Obama, Lynch, and the Libs no longer had any room to keep pushing the lie that he was just a “sexually confused” person no longer able to accept his deviant desires for men.

Instead, his statements to police as he slaughtered people representing just one segment of the “infidel” population hated and marked for slaughter by Islam, left no doubt for rational Americans that the President’s denial of the truth about Islam is causing even his friends to be killed.

It is high time that we, as a nation, pull our heads out of our rears and admit the truth that Donald Trump’s immigration policy for Muslims is long overdue and critical to our survival!  The terrorists are not “confused” about their agenda, and that they are following Muhammad’s teachings to the letter!  They are here among us and they mean to kill us!  Let’s return to become a nation of reason and stop allowing political correctness to kill us one group at a time!

Time to admit that we are at war and the enemy is among us!

Time for citizens to protect themselves!

In California this past week (Memorial Day 2016) citizens who attended the Donald Trump presidential campaign rallies were set upon by enemies of our Constitution and supporters of the Marxist Socialists of the Democrat Party.  Innocent men, women, and children of all ages were assaulted by these lawless thugs representing the Left.

Beyond the violence against citizens betrayed by their own State government, the crowds rioted, burned the American flag, waved Mexican flags, and destroyed police vehicles and attacked police horses.  These are the people who are today seeking to use such tactics to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and impose Marxist Socialist (Communist) government across our land as they attack and destroy every foundation of moral decency in the land and elect either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders president.

In this video, Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired, condemns the failures of the governor of California, Jerry Brown, and California law enforcement for failing to protect the citizens from the Liberal terrorists dispatched to commit these riots, assaults, property destruction, and terrorism against law abiding citizens peacefully attending the Trump rallies.  Further, Captain Hestilow charges California Governor with being complicit in allowing the violence to occur and calls on the governor to call out the California Army National Guard to protect the citizens from these “domestic” terrorists if California law enforcement agencies are incapable of protecting the citizens!

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a damned communist country!  Citizens must every day take ever measure to protect themselves by every means necessary from the lawless attacks of these terrorists of the Left!  We must harden our resolve to fight and protect our Constitution to the last patriot standing and win back our country!

Never, ever quit!

Twelve reasons why I voted Democratic

A dear friend and Army mentor who was the Chief of Staff of the 95th Divison (Infantry Training) in the old “real” Army–when our mission was national defense and fighting wars–before the DoD became simply a vehicle by the Left to infect the nation with deviant Democrat ideas (redundant), sent the following “letter to the editor” to me in an email.  I thank God11998874_10206265262084078_6419381220437594041_n, and the old Constitution, for retired service members who can still speak and write the truth!

As indicated, the following is the product of another author.  What the reader should keep in mind while reading this “letter to the editor” is that while honest patriotic Americans who love the Constitution and understand reason, logic, and history will laugh at the absurdity of the “tongue in cheek” reasons why the fictional writer “voted Democratic” is that, in fact, the absurd points are actually held and championed by about half of the people in the nation!  So, while you laugh at the points of absurdity made by the author, remember that the views expressed are actually at their core the fundamental beliefs of your neighbors who are Democrats (and some Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan).  The letter is humorous, but the war is real!  Never forget it!

Captain (Retired) Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army

Dear Editor:

Here are the 12 reasons I voted Democratic:

  1. I voted Democratic because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want.  I now may marry my Labrador.
  2. I voted Democratic because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the Government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t.
  3. I voted Democratic because I believe the Government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
  4. I voted Democratic because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as I agree with what is said & nobody else is offended by it.
  5. I voted Democratic because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
  6. I voted Democratic because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in 10 years if I don’t start driving a Prius.
  7. I voted Democratic because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
  8. I voted Democratic because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education and Social Security benefits, and we should take away the Social Security from those who paid into it.
  9. I voted Democratic because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves.  They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.
  10. I voted Democratic because I believe liberal Judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.
  11. I voted Democratic because I think that it’s better to pay billions for their oil to people who hate us but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, spotted owl, gopher and fish.
  12. I voted Democratic because my head is so firmly misplaced toward the south end of my body; it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have another point of view.

No trees, Spotted Owls, or Red Cock-headed Woodpeckers were harmed in the sending of this message.

—-James W. Anderson, Talladega

Thank you, Mr. Anderson, for your humor–and your reminder of the real war that the Left is waging on the Constitution and founding moral principles our nation was built upon!

New contender announces for Democrat presidential race!

Stop the presses!  With the former presumptive nominee for the 2016 Democrat presidential race soon to be brought up on federal charges for her mishandling of classified emails on her personal computer server, I have decided that it is the right time to throw m10151335_10201443925130897_7229569176560491131_ny hat into the ring for the Democrat nomination.  Here are a couple of the first things that I would do if I was elected president of the United States in 2016 …

First, I would, by Executive Order on my first day in office, not only make college free, I would make all graduate programs and post-graduate work free as well!

Second, I would declare by Executive Order that all college and university students to be employees of the schools that they attend earning a federal minimum wage of not less than $15 per hour for undergraduates, $25 per hour for graduate students, and $50 per hour for post-graduate studies.

Further, as a benefit to all students, I would declare by Executive Order that all school dorms, classrooms, cafeterias, and grounds to be free zones from any drug enforcement and that the school book stores must provide up to 20 ozs of marijuana free to each student per month along with birth control drugs and materials.

To pay for these programs I would implement a new tax plan on all commercial businesses within a 10 mile radius of the schools geographic center at a taxation rate to be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury on an annual basis.

Finally, I would immediately declare by Executive Order that all immigrants of undetermined or undocumented status to be automatically conferred student status and protected from deportation.

These are simply a beginning of my campaign platform, so stand by for further campaign items to be identified in the coming days dealing with issues of dismantling our Armed Forces, banning Christianity, and aligning our culture to embrace Islam as our national religion!

… and remember to write my name, Terry M. Hestilow, in as you caucus or vote in your State’s primaries!  Until we win!!!!!

Copyright (c) Terry M. Hestilow, 2016