Conflicted Democrats: Throwing LGBT under the bus to protect ISIS.

The Democrat Party just demonstrated their highest priority in the pecking order of special interest groups they adore; and it isn’t the LGBT community this time.  Hoping that no one wGayPride[2]ould notice that they were throwing the community of people who practice homosexual behaviors under the bus to protect the reputation of Muslims among Liberals the Democrats and their sycophant press, they immediately began to report that the Orlando killer (who claimed allegiance to ISIS) was not truly motivated by leadership from the terrorist group, but was instead “conflicted about his sexuality.” They based this conclusion upon reports that he had often been seen in the bar known to serve the Orlando deviant community. So, for Liberals, denying the reality of the shooter’s demonstrated history of sympathy for the ISIS cause was more important than their love for their previously favored political support base–the LGBT community.

For Liberals–Democrats–the shooter was not a terrorist.  For them it was far more reasonable, and necessary, to discount his love for Bakr al Baghdadi and explain away his actions as those of a man confused about his alleged (by the Left) desire to have homosexual relationships than was his love of Islam as Muhammad laid it out!

Poor LGBT community!  Ouch!  Did you just feel those bus tires run you over and smell the diesel exhaust sweep over you from the Obama Transit Authority?

That’s right!  For Democrats–as demonstrated by Attorney General Loretta Lynch who was refusing to release the shooters statements to protect their assertions that he was a sicko who “self-radicalized” (as if his illness and the internet took over and caused him to do this terrible thing) because he was all confused about his “sexual identity.”

But wait!  Doesn’t the “B” in LGBT count for anything anymore?  I thought the people who claim that homosexual behavior is directed by a person’s DNA (genetics) had finally gotten over their discrimination against those who go both ways?  If we believe the “anything goes” philosophy of the LGBT–and the Liberals–there was nothing for the shooter to be “conflicted” about!  So what if he liked to have sex with both men and women?  Clearly his DNA allowed for him to be a “switch-hitter”!  Or was it that he was “conflicted” because he thought his sexual identity went to men, women, and “non-binary” sexual identities (it is really getting hard to keep up with them all)?

And that, friends, is why AG Loretta Lynch is so conflicted about releasing the shooter’s statements.  Being forced to publish the un-redacted version of his statements by a public that would not be told that we can’t be told the truth, Obama, Lynch, and the Libs no longer had any room to keep pushing the lie that he was just a “sexually confused” person no longer able to accept his deviant desires for men.

Instead, his statements to police as he slaughtered people representing just one segment of the “infidel” population hated and marked for slaughter by Islam, left no doubt for rational Americans that the President’s denial of the truth about Islam is causing even his friends to be killed.

It is high time that we, as a nation, pull our heads out of our rears and admit the truth that Donald Trump’s immigration policy for Muslims is long overdue and critical to our survival!  The terrorists are not “confused” about their agenda, and that they are following Muhammad’s teachings to the letter!  They are here among us and they mean to kill us!  Let’s return to become a nation of reason and stop allowing political correctness to kill us one group at a time!

Time to admit that we are at war and the enemy is among us!

My Emergency National Defense Action Plan

My Emergency National Defense Action Plan

I am calling on all patriots of military age–and especially Christian patriots of military age–to make a commitment to not enlist into the United States military for at least the next three months, and perhaps not until a genuine patriot is elected president to replace Barack Obama.

Why? Because we need you to remain home for the foreseeable future, and especially during the next three months as Barack Obama floods our nation with foreign Muslims who may begin to attack American cities and commit random acts of terrorism throughout our nation.

“But,” you say, “won’t I be needed in the military for our national defense?”

Face it, America, Barack Obama is NOT going to use our military to stop any outside aggressor as long as he is president–and especially if that aggressor is Muslim! He wouldn’t do it if our military was actually combat ready and equipped, and he wouldn’t use our military for national security even if the American people demanded it!

But that suggests a combat ready military. That is not what we have today! Even if people have been asleep for the last seven years, most Americans understand that Barack Obama has not only hollowed out our military (removed the effective means and leadership so that the military has outward form but the absence of combat ready substance), but he has destroyed the very moral structure that is required for the military to accomplish its mission.

Further, if you are a Christian of military age, President Obama and his Pentagon leadership hold your religious faith in utter contempt! You will not be able to practice your faith, you will be watched constantly to see if you are sharing your faith with your fellow service members, and if you get caught actually practicing your faith and it offends some Muslim, liberal or homosexual who holds your faith in contempt, you will be punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice as the Manual for Courts-Martial will allow! Do you want to join an organization where your faith will make you a target of your own peers and leadership? I think not!

Am I against the military? Absolutely not! I am a patriot! I am a patriot not because I say that I am, but because of what my actions reveal. I spent a full career in the U.S. Army fighting the Communists in Vietnam and later fighting the terrorism of the Taliban in Afghanistan. I am a true “mustang” infantry officer. I started out as an enlisted soldier in 1970 and was an infantry sergeant before I crossed over to “the dark side” and became an infantry officer in 1981. Later, I left the Army and became a civilian clergyman serving as the pastor to Southern Baptist churches in Colorado and Louisiana.

Then, after the United States was attacked on 9-11-2001, I overcame every obstacle the Army put in front of me at the age of 51 to reenter the Army and was eventually reappointed and sent to lead a civil affairs team in Afghanistan. I believe in the Army of the past! I am a retired officer! But knowing what I know now, I can tell you that the Army that I served in was radically different–and far better–than the one shaped in the image of Barack Obama and his Pentagon today.

If you want to contribute to our real national security, I urge you to delay indefinitely any future enlistment into any branch of the United States armed services. The president and his Pentagon leadership will not use you for our national defense; but rather, they will prevent you from protecting the homeland from attack by the Muslim enemy that Barack Obama and his Democrats are importing daily into our cities.

I wouldn’t ask you to refuse to serve in our military if I believed that you would be properly respected and employed to defend our nation; but the truth is, if you raise your hand and take the oath of enlistment into the United States military the one place you will not be able to serve is in the homeland–or anywhere else–to preserve our national defense or safeguard our freedoms under this president, his administration or Pentagon leadership.

Stay home as a civilian and stand strong against Obama and his invading Muslim warriors masquerading as Syrian refugees!

Note: You may freely share this call to action in whole without modification, but I retain ultimate copyright and responsibility for its message in original form.

Terry M. Hestilow
Captain, USA, Ret.

Fort Worth, Texas
December 13, 2015

Disclaimer: This call to action reflects the view of Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired, who remains solely responsible for the content of this appeal to citizens who may be considering enlistment into any of the branches of the United States Armed Services. It does not reflect the views of the Department of Defense nor the Department of the Army.

Copyright© Terry M. Hestilow, 2015